

Responses from charles1dad

Listener fatigue: what does it really mean?
SET amplifiers as a niche have finite limitations as do any other amplifier type, be it solid state, class D, OTL, push pull tube etc. Within a given amplifier category there's a hierarchy of quality and execution success. I find the limitations o... 
Transport for MHDT Havana
Audiojan,You and Gopher are correct, a transport's quality is a major factor in the overall sound.Some have suggested that it is more important than the DAC.Don't know your budget but a used PS Audio PWT is musically excellent, the CEC is a good r... 
Listener fatigue: what does it really mean?
Learsfool,Yes, you certainly understand the point I'm expressing. I totally agree that too often brightness is mistaken for detail. Many components that go the ultra detail and ultra resolution route sound false and artificial. They tend to sacrif... 
Zu Druid & Definition Roundup
Jordan,That higher level of engagement you're experiencing pretty much says it all. Which ever components provide or communicate the music's emotion more throughly and captivating is the one for me. It seems you have two winners in your possession... 
Listener fatigue: what does it really mean?
My point is that dynamics is an inherent part of music as is timing and the unique and individual tonal signature of a instrument. So how does a system reproduce(retain) music's dynamics yet avoid this distortion Ralph attributes? The ear/brain ea... 
Listener fatigue: what does it really mean?
Ralph,Dynamic swings are heard continously in live music, this natural ebb and flow gives music the emotion I love. This dynamic character occurs at low, moderate and louder levels. This is so apparent when listening to musicians live.I can easily... 
Coincident Linestage vs CJ CT5 or Allnic L-3000
Interesting point Brownsfan, I use rca cables and this likely explains my lack of problems with the mute function. 
Coincident Linestage vs CJ CT5 or Allnic L-3000
Wilsynet,The mute switch works fine for me.I leave mine on 24/7 no problems (Israel said it only draws 45 watts).It is a lifelong keeper component unless you change just for the sake of change or want to try something else.Regards, 
Zu Druid & Definition Roundup
Germanboxers,I think the Audion needs more hours on the tubes to hear it at its best as you suspect.The Frankenstein is a very high reference point. With the better quality 300b tubes it'll go significantly further. Don't be so hard on yourself, y... 
Coincident Linestage vs CJ CT5 or Allnic L-3000
Mrmitch,I understand. You had asked is it too soft or romantic for rock music? This is often expressed about tube rather than solid state components.Regards, 
Jazz for aficionados
If anyone enjoys Milt Jackson as I do,this recording sounded beatiful last night."Big Bags" Milt fronting a large jazz band and playing arrangements by Tadd Dameron and Ernie Wilkins. On the Riverside label from 1962, nice CD.Regards, 
Zu Druid & Definition Roundup
Keith,I don`t believe stating one`s honest opinion is simplification. I`ve heard various Magicos 6 different times(CES 2 years,RMAF, and special dealer presentations) and have concluded I don`t like their sound.You like them and that`s also fine, ... 
What reviews do you trust if any?
I also like the 6 Moons review approach.Good pictures,clear detail concerning,design,built quality and the designer`s objectives. They consistently make comparisons to competitor components and are willing to criticize when needed.I like Jack Robe... 
Zu Druid & Definition Roundup
Hi Germanboxers,You are on a roll with amplifiers LOL. I look forward to your observations. I imagine the Audion will have the "shove" Phil refers to. It should be much fun with these three amplifiers all in house at once and contrasting the diffe... 
Zu Druid & Definition Roundup
Phil,As the owner of the "merely" 4 figure Frankenstein I clearly understand your point. I spent 4 days at CES this year and the direction of a segment current High End sensibilities is toward a ultra detail-uber resolution (lack of organic charac...