Responses from charles1dad
To Tube or not to Tube...... Nostubeman,You captured well the special qualities of good tube components particularly the power amplifiers. Tactile presence, flesh on the bone and true natural tonality= convincing realism. So far as with you I've not gotten this level of belie... | |
Coincident Linestage vs CJ CT5 or Allnic L-3000 Brett,They sure did! I was fortunate to get my Takatsuki tubes early and directly from Japan. | |
Coincident Linestage vs CJ CT5 or Allnic L-3000 Jordan and Brownsfan,If we an work something out among us I say full speed ahead ( hey I'm a former navy guy).Charles, | |
Dynaudio contour with 30 watt amp Maple22,Y our math is right, 2.83v at 4 ohm load= 2 watts required at 1 meter distance. May I offer friendly advice? Try the 30 watt tube amplifier and simply judge for yourself. There can be substantial differences between two amps with identical... | |
Is Coincident Statement Phono pre-amp an overkill Essrand,I assumed you listened initially to your phono section prior to your post. | |
Coincident Linestage vs CJ CT5 or Allnic L-3000 Jordan,Don't know if we'll get twenty buyers but you can count me in.Worse case scenario is that we pay the 540.00 introductory price. Charles, | |
Coincident Linestage vs CJ CT5 or Allnic L-3000 Pap, Are you " Tasso" on the Australian site stereo. net? If so you have a very unique system combo, CSL with the hugh Soulution 710 amplifier. It's funny how I assume that those who have a CSL match it with a tube power amplifier ( as if there's ... | |
Coincident Linestage vs CJ CT5 or Allnic L-3000 Brett,Yes I'm among friends, I knew you all would understand. | |
Is Coincident Statement Phono pre-amp an overkill Hi Essrand,Congratulations on acquiring the Coincident preamp. Your were given a variety of heart felt opinions on this thread from well meaning people. My gut feeling was this is the right decision ( I would have just skipped the EAR and gone str... | |
Coincident Linestage vs CJ CT5 or Allnic L-3000 Israel Blume says he's order a " batch" of the W.E. 101Ds but won't receive them until late February-early March. | |
Coincident Linestage vs CJ CT5 or Allnic L-3000 Pap,You're driving the rest of us mad with pure desire to try these tubes Lol!Charles, | |
Coincident Linestage vs CJ CT5 or Allnic L-3000 Vette,1) I am somewhat surprised that the 101D isn't utilized more often, it's really a beautiful and natural sounding tube.2) Agree regarding the W.E. Replica 845, it just sings in Jwm's (Jeff) Absolare amplifier and clearly outperformed the NOS ... | |
Coincident Linestage vs CJ CT5 or Allnic L-3000 Vette,Do you have a component that utilizes the 101D? I thought you were using the Absolare Passion line stage. I'm interested in your impression of these tubes.Charles, | |
New Lampizator Level 4/ Version 4 DAC in the house Lukasz specifically acknowledges that visually his internal wiring isn't neat,pretty and arranged in orderly bundles with 90 degree angles. He intentionally chose "3 dimensional" point to point wiring layout due to its superior sonic results despi... | |
Calling all Horn lovers That's good news Gwalt and I'm looking forward to it. Are you still enjoying the Takatsuki in your SET amplifiers? Charles, |