

Responses from charles1dad

Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
Johnk,With all due respect, your recent posts make little sense. Of course the process is subjective, you hear something and judge it's quality of sound. Either it's an improvement or it isn't. People contributing to this thread have had sucess an... 
Stillpoints and reference-level speakers
Roxy54,By the way choosing the upgraded Jupiter copper foil capacitors was a wise decision IMO. They've already achieved a great reputation and seem very well priced. Spending a bit more money for them could result in superb long term satisfaction... 
Stillpoints and reference-level speakers
Hi Roxy54,Congratulations on the Audio Note Kit amplifiers, they have a reputation for providing exceptional sound quality. It should be a really fine match for your high sensitivity/efficiency speakers. Of coursr with my bias I believe that you a... 
Stillpoints and reference-level speakers
Roxy54,Your last sentence sums up what time and experience have done to form my position. Enjoying music is a very necessary aspect of my life, both live and also reproduced in my home. If you have a audio system that allows involvement and emotio... 
Stillpoints and reference-level speakers
Tbg, Once again it just goes to show that all these audio choices we make are purely personal. My experience is the polar direction of yours(it doesn't make me right, just different). SS hasn't come close to what good SET amplifiers have revealed ... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
Johnk, I 've made changes in my audio system that weren't always better but just different or a bit worse. I simply report what's heard and accept it for the reality it represents. Duelund CAST in my speaker and DAC were "significant" improvements... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
Johnk, Others here are capable of speaking for themselves, so I'll state my experience. My Coincident speaker has a Solen capacitor at the tweeter position. The sound of this stock speaker is very good. Replacing the Solen with the Duelund CAST wa... 
Coincident Linestage vs CJ CT5 or Allnic L-3000
I am still waiting for them to arrive. 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
This has been one of the better threads I have participated in when considering information, truly good attitude and shared experiences. 
Stillpoints and reference-level speakers
Audiolabytinth,Take note however of the increasing number of thread responders who've actually compared Stillpoint to Star Sound products, this is a welcome addition IMO. 
Best 300B SET
Have to agree with Gsm18439(Gary). There are no shortage of worthy canidates in this realm. System matching and individual listening preference make it impossible to declare any of them the best. You can certainly say there are a variety of superb... 
Stillpoints and reference-level speakers
Glory, Your posts and comments seldom make much sense to me or are worthwhile. Let's just agree that we communicate differently and leave it at that.Charles, 
PS Audio Direct Stream
Sabai, My system is posted on this site, and I don't use the Data Stream DAC. My comment was a general observation based on hearing numerous audio systems over the years. If direct source to amplifier sounds better to you then that's the right way... 
PS Audio Direct Stream
+2 Fsmithjack. A "high quality" preamp in most systems will sound better than a direct source to amplifier IMO. As always, to each their own. 
Stillpoints and reference-level speakers
Jafox is correct, the platforms are virtually unseen once a component is placed on them. Since we're discussing "audio", I'd be persuaded by which product subjectively improves sound quality the most convincingly.Charles,