

Responses from charles1dad

Elrog 300B vs Takatsuki 300B tubes
Elrog update,These tubes continue to impress me deeply in their ability to infuse the music with life and vibrancy as they accumulate playing hours. They really do bring my sound closer to what I hear in my local jazz venues. That unmistakable ful... 
Building the Audio Note Kit 1 SET amp...
Rebbi,I don't listen to large scale symphonic music very often, but when I do it's enjoyable and engaging in my system. I can relate to yours and Jet's comments. Before I got my SET amp one of the warnings was they can't unravel complex music. Imp... 
Building the Audio Note Kit 1 SET amp...
Al,Thanks for that CD recommendation, I'll order a copy today.Charles 
Building the Audio Note Kit 1 SET amp...
"Amp sounds amazing"Rebbi that says it all! Glad that Taking the step into SET worked out so successfully for you.Charles, 
Rec a 300B for Wavelength Cardinal Monoblocks
Hi Steven,It's very possible Gordon Rankin may voice his amps with the W.E. 300b and thus it 'may' be your best choice. I believe certain amplifiers sound better with certain tubes. My ranking of 300bs differs from what others have posted here. I ... 
Is revealing always good?
Bombaywalla,Hello, I have to agree with your distinction between true transparency and revealing as compared to the hi-fi vernacular of those terms. When people complain of too much transparency, I have written before that this in reality makes no... 
Building the Audio Note Kit 1 SET amp...
Rebbi,Terrific news, I look forward to reading your impressions of this properly functioning amplifier. You are not running out of steam anymore with heavy bass music driving your speakers, that tells me those are high quality output transformers ... 
SET shortlist to drive tweeters in active system
Up to 4K used can get you a very good 300b SET. Coincident,Allnic,Wavelength, Sophia Electric, Audio Note Kit etc. Definitely 45 and 2A3 SETs as well but I'm not as familiar with them as the 300b amps. What ever you choose be sure the builder emph... 
SET shortlist to drive tweeters in active system
Hi Lew,Do you have a price target for the amplifiers. For a niche segment(SETs) there are many choices and directions to go. New or used?Charles, 
Elrog 300B vs Takatsuki 300B tubes
Wenye,I don't know enough about your system so I can only speak in general terms. If you're seeking a more natural and less electronic sound quality, the Frankenstein is that direction. Get the best 300b tube your can comfortably afford, this ampl... 
Clayton Audio Class A amps. Need amp advice
Given the two amplifiers under consideration, I believe the tradeoff is the following. The big Clayton will provide the more iron fisted bass slam/impact that some associate with powerful solid state amplifiers. I suspect the CJ large tube amps wi... 
Clayton Audio Class A amps. Need amp advice
Jmcgrogan2,I agree strongly with your "soapbox" comments and have stated similar comments recently on this site. I feel hyperbole is relied on too often when people decscribe differences among audio components. I don't doubt Tf1303 finds the Clayt... 
Elrog 300B vs Takatsuki 300B tubes
Calloway, New interstage transformers? My goodness, how much better can that Chalice sound?Charles, 
SET shortlist to drive tweeters in active system
A number of people who choose this approach will often use a 45,2A3 or 300b. Some opt for 300b SET midrange and say a 45 SET on the tweeter. I find that high quality SETs(300b.45 or 2A3) have very natural extended high frequency sound. I agree SS ... 
Elrog 300B vs Takatsuki 300B tubes
Hi Calloway,I 've been fortunate to hear many 300b s in my amplifier but the Pavane W.E. Replica wasn't one of them.I use their W.E. 101d in my line stage. I've heard their 845 often in my friend's(Jwm) Absolare Passion 845 amp. This is an excelle...