Responses from charles1dad
Building the Audio Note Kit 1 SET amp... Rebbi,I'll be the first to admit that in audio, higher cost doesn't always= better product/sound quality. In this specific instance spending a bit more for a very good cord is worth it. Your amplifier has the high resolution to exploit these bette... | |
Building the Audio Note Kit 1 SET amp... Rebbi,Pangea is a decent cord, I believe Silnote and the other examples I mention are in a higher quality tier. Get a upper level cord like these and enjoy their better performance for years. In other words, match the quality of your amplifier.Cha... | |
Building the Audio Note Kit 1 SET amp... Rebbi,Your amplifier is worthy of much more than an old PC cord. Even though you are quite please with the sound quality you are currently receiving, this generic power cord is limiting your potential significantly. You'll be surprise what a highe... | |
Review: Lahave Audio Khara Speaker Bill,Early production Elrog 845s had reliability problems. The Problem is said to be solved with the current tubes (so time will tell). I use the Elrog ER 300b and so far no issues for me or Jeff. The Elrog is the best sounding tube I've heard in ... | |
Review: Lahave Audio Khara Speaker Bill,As you may know Jeff and I are old friends of more than 20 years and we live only 10 minutes apart. He used the Pavane W.E. Replica 845 for a couple of years and I know them very well. It is an excellent 845 and out performed NOS RCAs. The on... | |
Elrog 300B vs Takatsuki 300B tubes Hi Bill,You should without question remain in your current "happy place". My only point in bringing up this issue was to illustrate how you can sometimes disagree with people whose ears you most often agree with. Subjectivity being what it is, at ... | |
Elrog 300B vs Takatsuki 300B tubes Cal,For Israel I'm pretty certain it would be the Pavane Black glass version. I Often agree with Israel in most cases regarding the sound of different items and components, but not in this case. The truth is that some will share his view that the ... | |
Review: Lahave Audio Khara Speaker Bill,When I read the general description of these speakers(simple crossover and easy load) I thought a high quality tube amp should mate well. Especially a SET with adequate power. I'm glad this worked out so sucessfully.Charles, | |
Elrog 300B vs Takatsuki 300B tubes Bill(Brownsfan),I received an interesting email today from audiogon member Mark who recently got a pair of the Elrog ER 300b tubes. He loaned these tubes to Israel Blume to try in his system. They both feel that these tubes were just a subtle impr... | |
2-Way Advice: Magico S1,YG Carmal,Diablo Utopia You're fortunate that your dealer has this variety of speakers. This gives you the ideal opportunity to go and listen to them which is always the best option when available. Take advantage of this. | |
Building the Audio Note Kit 1 SET amp... John, On a friendly open forum such as audiogon we attempt to help each other with recommendations based on our experience/outcomes. You never know if what worked for you will turn out the same for someone else. So when I read about your deeper in... | |
Horning owners what amps have you used? Well, that makes sense to me. I for one certainly don't need to be sold on the advantages and benefits of high-quality SET amplification. I'm hooked for life.Thanks,Charles, | |
Building the Audio Note Kit 1 SET amp... Roxy54 and Rebbi, It is so pleasing to read how much joy you guys are getting from your 300b SETs. Pure natural musical delight!Very simple circuit,fewer parts and good implementation= superb sound. I glad you all decided to venture down this path... | |
Elrog 300B vs Takatsuki 300B tubes Ddriverman,The issue of compatibility of the Elrog with various 300b amplifiers has been raised on this thread. Given that you have two different 300b Amps it will be very interesting to see how these tubes perform in two different amplifier circu... | |
Horning owners what amps have you used? If the impedance curve is relatively flat that certainly is an asset. Generally speaking S ET amplifiers like to see a higher speaker ohm impedance. Driven very successfully with 3 watt amplifiers does attest to its easy to drive capabilities. |