

Responses from charles1dad

Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
Rob,Actually that description of listening preferences fits me very well. Those are exactly the things that get and hold my attention. Probably explains why some touted brands/components leave me cold and uninterested.Charles, 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
Hi Rob,I recognize that you are very impressed with Yazaki's talent, ears and thus his recommendations. Have you given serious consideration to perhaps purchasing his solid state Spec RAS integrated amplifier? Charles, 
Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD
Andrew,If the RA or Isis has that versatility with different amplifiers that's noteworthy. I'd be surprised(pleasantly) if they equal or surpass the majestic match I heard with the Viva mono blocks. 
Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD
I heard the Trenner Friedl RA Box speaker driven by the Viva Aurora at CES 2010 and it left a lasting impression. Show conditions and yet it was one of the very best presentations I've heard. Utterly natural and realistic tone.dynamics and musical... 
Elrog 300B vs Takatsuki 300B tubes
According to Elrog my tubes were made to match the Frankenstein's operating parameters for an appropriate match. So we shall see, the sound is sheer organic beauty.Charles, 
Cheap Tube amp
Tubes and transistors both possess sonic signatures and thus have an identifiable character. There's no way to avoid some degree of editorial coloring with any audio component(some more than other for both output devices). It really is a question ... 
Al,When I read these threads I just assume that the basics and fundamentals of good system set up have been addressed. It's entirely possible I may assume too much!Charles, 
Cheap Tube amp
Tubegroover,Viewing his system it's clear that he's an advocate of "minimal" components, accessories and tweaking. 
John,The OP isn't seeking warmth, he's pursuing clarity and neutral/natural character. 
Deepak007,Both the Maestro and the Avatar Afterburner 8 utilize un plated metal receptacles. Some feel that as a result they both are more natural sounding than those that employ a layer of plating. I'm certain results vary depending on system/com... 
Reference DACS: An overall perspective
No problems, we're just having fun. Welcome back. 
stereo preamp $2-5K suggestions
Bpd24,Makes a good point. Yes, replacing the Arcam with a better preamp will yield improvement. The power amplifier can be a very limiting factor when in search of 3 dimensional sound. A quality tube preamp is a good start however.Charles, 
Reference DACS: An overall perspective
It could just be a striking coincidence of two listeners with virtually identical taste. 
Reference DACS: An overall perspective
Bodhi,Your former and current systems are eerily similar to Melbguy1. 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
Rob,Given Yazaaki's track record of recommendations I understand you following this path. I don't believe that there's a single "best" capacitor anyway, rather there are several very worthy choices with their own strengths. Sometimes the nitpickin...