

Responses from charles1dad

What makes an expensive speaker expensive
"It's more of a discussion over beers than an argument "Agree completely with this sentiment.  Just exchanging points of view,  that's what these forums are meant for. Charles,  
What makes an expensive speaker expensive
Hi Pete, You make some good points which I accept as opinion but not fact.  I don't equate micro detail with emotion as you do. Emotion can be elicited by a variety of sonic or musical parameters.  For example in my case it's triggered by authenti... 
What makes an expensive speaker expensive
Good discussion here and insightful comments from Tim. I don’t get the sense that anyone is "married" to paper cones at all. Rather they simply identify the natural tonality and sound quality that they can provide. Carbon Fiber, ceramic, aluminum,... 
Synergistic Research Atmosphere Power Cords.
Oregonpapa, Agree, facial expressions and voice inflections are critical to personal communication.  This unfortunately is glaringly absent via these Internet forums. Charles,  
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
Hello David,You are privileged to be able to alternative between the two SET amplifiers, no doubt that both presentations are very enjoyable. I firmly believe that the individual 300b tube preference varies depending on the particular amplifier in... 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
Andy,I believe that your chances of success are high based on David's  listening experiences and given the company's overall track record in general .  I don't have the  Synergistic Research  AC outlets, rather I use the Avatar Acoustic Afterburne... 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
Nyame and jafreeman,You both  summarized it  perfectly . Brevity is truly the soul of wit. 😊Charles, 
Question for BPT owners....
I purchased my BPT new over 7 years ago.  Despite the excellent quality of their products I believe that they went out of business several years ago (to the best of my knowledge). Charles,  
Granny ring, Jetrexpro, all
Hi Rob,Congratulations on getting the Dynamo MK II and upgrading it further with your modifications. I have no doubt that this amplifier driving the Devore O /96 is fabulous! The bigger and better output transformers of the Mark II  surely improve... 
Cerious Technologies NEW Graphene Cables
Yes,I note the language and I don't view it as a "miracle " supplement by any means.  However for its very modest cost it seems to be a worthwhile product for some users (such as pas). I realize that I've gotten off topic. Charles,  
Cerious Technologies NEW Graphene Cables
Pas,I've googled a number of articles discussing ginkgo including a report from the University of Maryland Medical Center that's quite favorable. It seems that ginkgo has numerous medical benefits (primarily due to its positive circulatory effects... 
Is Louder always Better?
Hi dentdog,That’s a good question you asked. For  my genre of music  (predominantly jazz) and desired listening levels my 8 watt SET amplifier is ideal for me. I own a 100 watt PP amplifier  (mono blocks with 6550 tubes). This amplifier can ultima... 
Cerious Technologies NEW Graphene Cables
Pas,That's an interesting comment concerning Ginkgo. It actually improved your hearing ability? Charles,  
Redbook Keeps Surprising
Georgre,It could be system /component dependent or maybe just  my imagination 😊. But it does seem that playing the actual CD does sound a bit more natural with more a sense of ease. Just a personal observation of mine. Charles, 
Jeff Rowlands Amp and Dac vs. VAC amp and DAC
Hi Ricred1,In some systems to certain listeners  the Gryphon will be preferred to the Rowland.  Change the listeners and or the system and suddenly the Rowland is deemed the superior amplifier. In the realm of upper tier transistor power amplifier...