Responses from charles1dad
Line Magnetic 219ia vs Mc225 Trenner-Friedl are exceptional speakers, I heard their RA Box speaker and it was terrific. Charles | |
Line Magnetic 219ia vs Mc225 Hi Roxy,I've read where people who've listened to both the 219ia and 518i reached the same conclusion as you. Essentially the 518 is "very" good however the 219 is in a higher tier.Charles | |
Line Magnetic 219ia vs Mc225 Jkull,Al and mb1 audio raised legitimate caution in regard to gain and sensitivity issues and the possibility of excessive noise. It is reassuring to know that you heard a LM amplifier driving very sensitive (104 db) La Scalas with such a fine lis... | |
Line Magnetic 219ia vs Mc225 Excellent idea to go listen to these various LM amplifiers. Let us know your listening impressions. Charles | |
Line Magnetic 219ia vs Mc225 Hi jkull,No arguing tone intended at all, just an open discussion. Sorry if I came across as contentious. I avoid personal spats on these forums. Charles | |
Line Magnetic 219ia vs Mc225 Hello mb1 audio,I don't believe anyone posting here has suggested your input is wrong, different perspectives are expected on these forums and is how information is gathered. I happen to think that his speaker and LM 845 SET is a very reasonabl... | |
Line Magnetic 219ia vs Mc225 mb1 audio,Do you really believe that jkull is merely seeking pats on the back? I don't get that impression, rather he is attempting to establish a database for 2 amplifiers he has interest in owning. Reviews and forum feedback is a practical way t... | |
Line Magnetic 219ia vs Mc225 Sounds like a smart approach. I use the W.E. Replica 101d tubes in my Line Stage and they’re clearly an upgrade in sound quality across the board. Well worth their additional cost. Good luck,Charles | |
DAC for CD transport Multiple factors determine the ultimate sound quality of a DAC . I agree with the comments about the analog output section as probably the most crucial. Implementation of this stage cannot be overstated. A close 2nd consideration IMO is the presen... | |
Line Magnetic 219ia vs Mc225 Jkull,One other factor to consider is the 300b driver tube is audibly important in this circuit. Those familiar with the 219ai say this driver along with the 845 output tube are sensitive to the quality of tubes. If you decide to go for this am... | |
SET amp comparable to First Watt SIT 1? Agree,The Electra Fidelity 300b SET ìs very good sounding. I listened to it driving the Cessaro horn speakers in the High Water Sound room for an extended session during CES a few years ago. No doubt that it’s very natural and convincing. It fille... | |
Line Magnetic 219ia vs Mc225 Jkull,Given your stated sonic objectives and listening priorities I'd go for the Line Magnetic 219i (LM). By all accounts it is exceptionally well made, uses high quality parts, premium grade transformers and very robust power supply. SET circuit... | |
SET amp comparable to First Watt SIT 1? Hello Sal, I agree. That’s the fun and (potential) frustration, there are many good choices/paths available 😊. Charles | |
SET amp comparable to First Watt SIT 1? Sal is right in that the very high sensitivity of the Volti Vittoria makes all of the low power DHT tubes viable options. The problem is which one? There are countless threads on numerous audio forums regarding this genre of tubes,. Everyone has t... | |
Jadis JA30 Mk2, how great??? Well congratulations on getting the Devore. Surprising move to me as I know you were very happy with the Zu DEF IV. The Gibbon X must be quite special. Charles |