Responses from charles1dad
Synergistic Red Fuse ... Hi Abner jack,I don’t see the college campus intolerance analogy here. Otherwise there would have been appeals to the moderator to ban posters with contrary views. There’s no censorship here just opposing viewpoints freely expressed with the typic... | |
Synergistic Red Fuse ... Jmcgrogan2 (John),As usual an astute observation. Choice B sums it up succinctly. There's a certain sad/pathetic quality witnessing people who must repeatedly pat themselves on the back proclaiming how "smart" they happen to be. The genuinely ... | |
Synergistic Red Fuse ... Teo_audio,Regarding complex organics, there are some cable manufacturers who prefer natural materials (paper, silk or cotton) rather than synthetic material for insulation/dielectric. No doubt that other factors matter as well. Charles | |
Synergistic Red Fuse ... Frank,Thanks for the Audrey Morris recording, she’s good! Very unique style of singing and I like her approach to playing the piano. After listening to "Bistro Ballads " I’m going to seek out more from her. This 1954 recording is really quite inti... | |
Are there any $1500 tube preamps that that can compare with Tubes4hifi's SP14? What is intriguing about the Linear Tube Audio (LTA) ZOTL preamplifier is what it has been compared with in direct listening sessions in a familiar system. In his review Terry London match it against the Pass Labs XP 30 and the Concert Fidelity pr... | |
Tekton Double Impacts I have no doubt that the NAT Transmitter amplifier is a top tier product and I'm sure a superb match with the DI speakers.Charles | |
Tekton Double Impacts Lowrider57, Teajay (Terry London) earlier in this thread compared the DI with the Pendragon and was emphatic that there's little in common between the two. He makes it clear the DI is far superior in sound quality. Charles | |
Synergistic Red Fuse ... Hi teo_audio, Thanks for posting your colorful and very interesting fuse experiences. You've given examples of what many posters already know, those darn little electrical things do affect the sound. As you've noted , each fuse has its own dist... | |
Synergistic Red Fuse ... Hi Jond, Okay back to the fusesCharles, they're an asset in my system.George , It's all silly voodoo.Wolf, You're all a herd of sheep with this fuse nonsense.Life is good again.Charles | |
Synergistic Red Fuse ... Al, The question is who determines what subject matter is appropriate for an open public forum and when is a line crossed? Jond did make a very polite request, but what if others thread participants are comfortable with a given topic direction, wh... | |
Synergistic Red Fuse ... Jond,To be perfectly clear I have no criticism of you what so ever. I don't know your political views and they wouldn't matter if I did know. I always appreciate your comments on this site and I feel the same toward Knghifi. Both of you offer cons... | |
Tekton Double Impacts Mac,I believe that you'll be very fine with the higher power push pull LTA amplifier .Low power SETs like my Frankenstein won't like the DI's speaker impedance characteristics.Charles | |
Synergistic Red Fuse ... Marqmike,The Johnny Hartman/John Coltrane is an all time classic. Utter beauty.Charles | |
Synergistic Red Fuse ... Hi Knghifi,I understand , believe me. I'm so happy my son and daughter when in college didn't get swept up into the concept of "safe spaces". They both felt it was silly and immature. They made their papa (and mom) proud.Charles | |
Tekton Double Impacts Mac,There is truth and wisdom in what you wrote regarding cost. Ironic but I do believe that the low price (relatively) of the Tekton DI could in fact work against it in some High End circles. Some believe that it is not possible for a 3000.00 dol... |