

Responses from charles1dad

Considering the New Tekton Design Encores? AND Owners Group - Experiences/Questions
Much attention is paid to a speaker's driver quality and crossover and rightly so. I contend that one of the reasons for the Encores superior sound quality is the internal bracing and improved cabinet construction. Charles  
Accuracy vs. musicality
Interesting comments concerning the Tannoy  dual concentric speaker.  Some owners say they mate beautifully and sound better with SET amplifiers and other owners say they  require higher power amplifiers to get the most out of them. Definitely two... 
Accuracy vs. musicality
Rvpiano,Yes I agree that  subjectivity is innate and can not be factored outCharles  
Accuracy vs. musicality
In my opinion there are very good common sense/]logical replies here. Jond, that’s beautiful summation.Davidtial, yes, that’s been my point for many years. Live unamplified sound is both accurate (by default) and the epitome of musical. These two ... 
Who has Luv for the Lyngdorf 2170 and is thinking about the 3400.
Hi Tom,I'll wait patiently for your invitation. I'm very curious as to how the LTA  and Lyngdorf with room correction interact within your system.Charles  
Who has Luv for the Lyngdorf 2170 and is thinking about the 3400.
Hi Tom,I’d suggest getting both the LTA and Lyngdorf and just listen (easy for me to say). You have an excellent sounding and high resolution system that will sort it all out. This will settle any lingering doubts/curiosity  Higher power may certa... 
Who has Luv for the Lyngdorf 2170 and is thinking about the 3400.
Hi Waltersalas, I completely agree in regard to actually hearing a component in your own audio system.  Chris and Jonathan both did this and it adds notable value to their comments. BTW congratulations on your very successful outcome.Charles  
Who has Luv for the Lyngdorf 2170 and is thinking about the 3400.
The above dialogue illustrates the beauty of an open audio forum. Cal3713 (Chris) and Jcarcopo (Jonathan) are both experienced and respected posters who express themselves quite well. I do not find it surprising that they respectively have come to... 
Preamp Input for Coincident system - Don Sachs, deHavilland, LTA, Joule Electra?
Chris, You have had highly regarded components in your system recently (Atma-sphere amps and Lyngdorf) which have served the purpose of expanding your data sample base and point of reference . Adding the Truth Line Stage to the PRE/Franks signal c... 
Preamp Input for Coincident system - Don Sachs, deHavilland, LTA, Joule Electra?
Chris,I see your posted just prior to mine above 😊. I believe that you made a very wise choice and agree with your chosen upgrades. I look forward to your listening impressions when mated to the sublime Frankenstein. Charles  
Preamp Input for Coincident system - Don Sachs, deHavilland, LTA, Joule Electra?
Hi Chris, Your short list of preamplifier candidates is a good one particularly the DeHavilland. The Atmasphere MP-3 is also very good. I must say though that the Horneshoppe Truth may be the way to go. I am an extremely happy owner of the Coincid... 
This Audiogon should also provide..
+2 appreciate the link.Charles  
Considering the New Tekton Design Encores? AND Owners Group - Experiences/Questions
Glen,I don’t own Tekton speakers but I’ve heard the Double Impacts (D.I.) in a friend’s system using my Coincident Frankenstein 300b SET. Later he replaced these speakers with the D.I. SE model which I heard with the Auric Audio 300b SET. I believ... 
SW1X Audio Design DAC II Absolute Top Tier Ref NOS DAC
Hi Wig,I look forward to reading your initial listening impressions of this very interesting DAC.Charles  
Finale Audio F-3008 amp
Hi Glenn,Yes I’ve had Coincident Total Eclipse II since buying them used here on Audiogon back in 2009. They are wonderful sounding with my two push pull tube amplifiers and of course with the 300b Frankenstein which is my primary amplifier. They ...