
Responses from chams_uk

Jena Labs inexpensive IC's: opinions
I never heard the LATEST models, but I've had a couple of her designs before, excellent cables IMO. Reminds me of Cardas a bit, perhaps not as warm (IE, colored).Best I can offer, but bottom line, it's a name I trust.... 
low cost integrated amp for newbie
Stretch your budget a tiny bit, and get the new $400 NAD 320BEE (or whatever the exact model is). A true giant killer !You might be able to find it a bit cheaper....This will handle low impedence loads, will run higher than its power ratings sugge... 
Platforms: granite, marble, maple or other?
Thanks for the tip on the John Boos items at Home Depot. Just picked up one, put it under my integrated amp (Pathos Twin Towers); I think I'm going to like this a little better than the granite stand I had.More listening to do, but it looks liek a... 
System Audio
Also an ex-owner of older model, the 1105's. Excellent dynamics, fast transients, detailed highs without harshness. In my old Audiogon ad (I just sold them), I compared them to Proacs without the brittleness sometimes found in their highs.Thin wid... 
Cowboy Junkies
I'm with Karls. Earlier stuff very good IMO, but I'd even consider stopping at "Caution Horses" (# 3).BTW, "Whites Off Earth Now" is their first, and it's musically good, IMO. Little more bluesy feel to it, I'd say. 
Platforms: granite, marble, maple or other?
I have 2 granite blocks under speakers, with Audio Resolution platforms between the speaker and stand. LOVE the combo.I have another granite slab (about 24" x 15" x 2" high) for under my amp, have good and bad results. Some loss of "life" to the m... 
Review: Audio Resolution Platform Series 1
Another update on this:I put my last platform under another Sony NS500V player (unmodified) in my second system. I put a plastic coated weight on top of the unit. BOOM. Major improvement right there. All of a sudden, the focus was SNAP tight ! All... 
Integrated versions separate subwoofer
Some responses to all:- Pyite: this would be a crazy and perhaps fun move, but perhaps not audiophile. If you have an integrated subwoofer in a system, it'll probably reach well into the 40's, maybe 30's or even lower. Most MUSIC (unlkess you do p... 
Integrated versions separate subwoofer
My GENERAL opinion is that an integrated unit may be better if you have the space. Couple reasons:- Physical placement is within the same "space" as the speaker, and there are 2 of them- They are DESIGNED to be integrated well into the speakerAgai... 
Totem's "Hawk" and "Forrest":How Hi-End Are They?
Hi, Jim,I don't personally like the term "high end," but understand your question very well.The Totems will suprise you - pleasantly - with their bass response (for their size, not as much on an absolute level). I have heard them with Plinius and ... 
Read My List
I'd lean towards the Unico, Moon I-5 (NOT the I-3, it's a different animal), and maybe also the Classe's, though I've heard them at times sounding a bit too dry/dark for my personal taste.One other thought: Audio Analogue Puccini SE Remote (or non... 
Suggestions for small bookshelf speakers?
Reynaud Twin Mk 3's. See the review at; it's almost right on with my experience. $850 list, there's something very special going on there. These MAY be a little bigger than you were looking for, but check them out.I can a... 
Has anyone heard the Swan Diva line of Speakers?
They are - WERE - excellent speakers for the money. I own a pair of stand-mounted Diva 3.1's. Very nice woodwork, too, looked real classy.Problem is: AV123.COM can't sell 'em anymore due to potential legal reasons. The use of the top-mounted tweet... 
Pre-amp match for Moscode 600
Some of the preamps from the day (or thereabouts) would be great matches IMO, especially with a possibly bright Thiel.MFA Magus, Lazarus hybrid, one of the Audio Research earlier models, or the Moscode preamp (wa sit called Minuet-In-A ?), etc etc... 
2A3 vs. 300B single end triode....
TWL, you're such a showoff :-)I echo his sentiments, my personal taste leaned to the 2A3's if you have the speaker for it. I had the Wright 2A3 mono's at one point, and they didn't give up much in "slam" capability to the 300B's I've heard ! But t...