
Responses from chams_uk

DAC - Cheap Upsampler or Old Standby?
My 2 cents: the EVS stuff is incredible for less $$ than others. For your price range, too, the new Musical Fidelity should be nice. Their shill, Sam Tellig, definitely likes it. And I've tended to trust his findings before.With that all said....c... 
Do you own/have you heard the new Thiel 1.6?
I heard them about 1.5 weeks ago at Innovative audio in NYC. Came out pretty impressed, seems to be a very musical speaker, while giving gobs of detail. To me, this is rare for Thiel, they usually lack a certain emotional impact for me. Maybe it w... 
ZU speaker cables
I own an 8ft pair of the Julians, wonderful for the $$. My main system has Ensemble Megaflux now, they replaced 2 fine, inexpensive cables: the Zu, and the Mapleshade Double Helix.In all honesty, I liked the Mapleshade better than the Zu, but my c... 
Gallo Acoustics Reference Spks vs Full Range Box
I have owned the original Ref's (polymer spheres), have also owned the aluminum Solo's, and have heard the aluminum Ref's, and the Ref II's.In NO way are these gimmicks, IMO. They have been fantastic speakers, with high frequencies amongst the bes... 
anyone familair with North 4.0 or Swans speakers?
Hi,You mentioned Swan's speakers in header, but not in body of message. I'd strongly consider a pair of Diva's. I have the 3.1's (for some reason not advertised on anymore), would recommned the 2.1 with a sub, or one of the floor sta... 
DVD-A and SACD player combo
I have the Apex 7701. The unit is suprisingly good on SACD, almost the equal to the Sony SCD-777ES I have. On CD, it needs help (I have a Taddeo Digital Antidote II on my Sony, may try it on this). As far as DVD-A, the only one I have is ELP "Brai... 
Seeking Opinions of Acoustic Zen cables
Chiming in here with similar opinions. Have had experience with several of the HarmTech cables, now have the Matrix 1 interconnects, and the cheaper digital cable from AZ. They replace Analysis Plus, Luminous Audio interconnects, and TekLine digit...