
Responses from chadeffect

Wyred 4 Sound Class D Amps ???...........
Audiotomb.the short answer is yes and yes. 
Magnepan 2.5 anyone?
I had a pair many years ago. At the time I had Audio research VT150se driving them. They sounded great at the time with very nice midrange and natural presentation. If it had a weakness it was a little murky and defuse. Much of that could be overc... 
The disappearance of the traditional amplifier
Most of the active systems I have heard/used have been for the pro market. So the likely hood of using a Tube amp in them is zero. Amp technology has come along way since the bad old days so I think the idea that because it is active means it has ... 
cd recorder vs. computer burner
There is a audiophile madness that has been spread by all the rubbish written in the audiophile press to make you feel nervous about your equipment. I have yet to find a fully working computer cd burner that does not burn files correctly onto a di... 
The disappearance of the traditional amplifier
No its just cheaper and takes up less space. 
cd recorder vs. computer burner
Yes. It does not. 
If you want that last bit of performance you cannot beat a properly set up highend system. The problem is the further down the road you go the more complex the set up is to get all the devices to sing and balance preferences to make the hifi disap... 
wonder dynamicaps any good ?
I had the dynamicaps for a while, they are ok not great. If i were you go for mundorf caps and go as far up the range as you can. The silver/gold in oil is a very good natural sounding cap but if they are too expensive try the silver in oil.As Jal... 
Plinius vs Jeff Rowland
The plinius is a warmer sound than the newer JR amps. The JR newer amp has more detail and a cooler/leaner, but more controlled presentation in comparison to Plinius. This will be very system dependent though. Maybe the Plinius is more forgiving a... 
Acoustic Revive RR-77 Ultra low pulse generator
Hi Tbg,i have to say it is a very strange box. But it does have very nice effects on sound or me. Not sure which although I think I agree with your observation that it is probably me and not the system. Even my TV screen seems to benefit. I mean I... 
Acoustic Revive RR-77 Ultra low pulse generator
Hi Ozzy,very interesting. I am not sure which is cheaper a new power supply or another RR77. I have noticed that when I move the RR77 it gives me a very strange feeling almost like butterflies in the stomach. When this happens (i am not mad by the... 
Acoustic Revive RR-77 Ultra low pulse generator
Ozzy,I am confused about the kingrex power supply. I have had an RR77 for a few years now and I can say that it has a subtle impact on my system and me!How do you feel the power supply effects the rr77? I understand the concept of a better supply ... 
Halcro DM38 vs Goldmund Telos 400
I cannot say I know the Goldmund Telos 400. But I know the Halcro very well. Both are very honest amps from what I understand and some of the finest on the planet. Both add nothing to sweeten or color the sound. I have heard it said that the Telos... 
Jeff Rowland
Hi wireless,If the ice power versions of the JR amps were not better than the old, why would they have gone that way?I had the JR 201 and 501 monos and years ago had time with the Model 6 and 12 monos too. All good amps. Maybe the sound of the 201... 
dCS Puccini Clock
Hi Elgar,see what DCS say, but I am sure just removing another set of cables and connections and another box will get you somewhere. Again it is a law of diminishing returns, so there may be a cheaper way to improve your sound.Find a good firewire...