

Responses from cey

Soundstage and image height, does it exist?
of course it exists...WHY its there? the differences among sound at the source, often 2 lil boxes, how it fills our room and our ears...theres a ot going on there. our brains make sense of it. there must be a whole slew of factors at play. the s... 
What's the heaviest speaker you've ever owned? What's the tallest?
tallest and heaviest: several bass guitar cabinets tallest and heaviest home stereo speaker: JBL L150  
Ridiculous sale
"Somebody is selling a Decware that sells at 2600 $ direct from the manufacturer for 4500 $ "   what a scumbag there someone on the auction site seling a used ava ultravalve for $3k ($900-1200 used in tip top shape, $1999 new) claimin "collect... 
2nd systems- who’s got one?
lil 50W JBL sub, just tuned up enough to help out a lil but not know its there. morrow audio cables   
2nd systems- who’s got one?
2nd, 3rd...got em. i switch my stuff around a lot cuz i dont plan to keep it all but im not sure what i want to hang on to yet. i like it all, but i dont need it all. second system is conrad johnson PV8, rega planar 3 w/ sumiko blue point #3 HOMC...