

Responses from cerrot

Best for recording records?
Alesis Masterlink is the one.   
SME Tonearm Question
I purchased one about 6 moths ago and it came with a cable.   
What's been your turntable ownership over the years?
A plastic Gerard changer;Technics SL-3300Benjamin linear tracking BeocardDual CD5005Rega P3VPI TNT Jr (still have, heavily modded, SME Arm) 
Bass distortion-Playing LP's only,,,,please help
I would look at my tonearm alignment.  If the VTA is off, you'll get overwhelming bass.  Assuming you have a VPI unipoint arm, they are very good, but very difficult to set up.  Look at the arm as you track a record and see how it looks.  Make sur... 
vintage tuners
a modded macintosh MR 78 would do nicely. 
Warm-up time.
My rig is always on, except for my tubed phone stage and I still need music to run through it to get it going. 
Warm-up time.
It takes my rig about 40 minutes to start sounding awesome, an hour gets me where I want to be.  On vinyl, I hear improvement after the 1st side.  After a 2nd side, its pure bliss.   
Isolation footers for amps
Stillpoints or Cera Pucs.  Maybe Symposium.   
Should I Switch Preamps?
I think I kind of started with a Coda as well, as it was Innersounds preamp, and sounded awesome.  Wanted more, moved up to the Ayre K5xeMP and it was awesome and showed me I needed more.  I went with the Jeff Rowland Criterion and haven't looked ... 
Too Many Forums asking about how to improve ones system, etc.
Totally agree with chayro, but I will add that a large part to me is to visit hi fi stores and other properly set up systems so I can hear what I think my recordings were supposed to sound like, on a really good hifi.  Live music references is imp... 
Has anyone had experiences good or bad with speaker isolation or isolation in general ?
I have had excellent results with Symposium platforms under my speakers. 
Computer PS Upgrade (Fuse/IEC/Teflon Cap)
I have a Power Supply project on deck fro my PC.  I am ordering an external power supply with the proper voltage outputs and emblicals and will remove the existing internal PS and add the external.  Much lower noise.  A linear, regulated PS.   
McIntosh MR78 upgrades?
Kenny - FM definitely on the way out  I have a roof antenna and a signal sleuth and I only get 2 stations (I am 60 miles east of NYC so college stations for me). But, they do sound marvelous.   
Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD
Close, but no cigar.  I am glad that USB is finally getting a look at that it just may not be the end all to PC audio.  The problem with USB (and why they sound so different, so unstable, prone to everything) is because USB data is transmitted in ... 
McIntosh MR78 upgrades?
I have only heard my MR 78 with the mod as I purchased it with it.  I would not even have considered one without.  My tuner sounds amazing.    As good as vinyl or tape.