

Responses from cerrot

Upgraded Sonos ZP-80 Power Cord
There is an adaptor which allows you to use any after market power cord. I think I got mine from music direct.I know there is an extra connection but I like the Shunyata's, and it allowed me to use their PC. I use it with a Rotel RDV-1080 and am q... 
Upgrades/tweaks for classic Denon DCD-1500??
How about isolation device(s), power cord & cable upgrade, shunyata stone? 
Next upgrade, DartZeel or Ayre
I have heard the new Ayre monoblocks and they sounded awesome. Some of the best solid state I have heard. The dynamics were excellent, transparance & soundstage were wonderful, and it was the cheaper Ayre preamp being used. Take a look at the ... 
Jump in now or wait?
I was leaving a response to someone else. Absent one, I may as well jump in. I am very partial to the Shunyata Cables. They have given me excellent results, although I am up to the Taipans and the Pythons, having started with the diamondbacks. The... 
Cary SLP-05 Umbilical cord
I upgraded the umbilical between my Musical Fidelity XDac V3 & PSU V3 (In my PC Auio System) and the umbilical between my Squeezebox & CI power supply (in my main rig) both with revelation audio umbilicals and the results in each system we... 
Is the magic in shindo or verity?
It was the Shindo Monbrison Preamp and the Shindo Cortese Power Amp. Source was an Accuphase CD player and Speakers were the Living Voice Avatar IBX speakers. It was at "In Living Stereo" in NYC. Never asked what cables or power conditioner being ... 
To stack or not to stack - limited space for amps
Don't laugh but some of my gear (Innersound) is advised by mfg that it is okay to stack (my preamp and phono stage), which I do. Some gear, mfg's advise not to stack, so suggest contact them. Now, as for isolation devices (after market feet, i.e.,... 
RCA to XLR cable ok from DVP to Pre/Pro?
Just reembered...I auditioned the DV-60 for 2 weeks before I went with the X-03SE and I used both single ended and balanced (both Tara Labs The One) and, in my system, the balanced did sound noticibly better. It was back in December and forgot I e... 
RCA to XLR cable ok from DVP to Pre/Pro?
Jeffkad,The 6Moons review was for the SA-60, and, agree, they felt the RCA was Much better, but on the X-03, it was the balanced which sounded better. I know the DV-60 should be closer to the SA-60 than the X-03 but I think you should hear it firs... 
Is the magic in shindo or verity?
Best system I ever heard had Shindo power amps and a Shindo pre amp. My next upgrade will be those. I'm relatively happy with what I have but the Shindo's are on my list. I didn't really know what "palpable" meant til I heard them.Wow! 
RCA to XLR cable ok from DVP to Pre/Pro?
Just to throw in my other two cents, I do have some balanced to single ended cables (Innersound, not expensive) and prefer using single ended high end cables (Tara Labs The One) rather than the Innersound Cable. What I am getting at is in my pream... 
RCA to XLR cable ok from DVP to Pre/Pro?
I'm a fan of balanced as well. In a true balanced circuit, the noise floor is said to be lower. Their are some mfg who only make single ended compoents, i.e., Conrad Johnson, etc., so I guess they don't agree with that philosophy. There is gear wh... 
RCA to XLR cable ok from DVP to Pre/Pro?
If you get it good cable, it won't degrade, though you won't be taking the advantage of a balanced design (if truly balanced). 
Jump in now or wait?
Dokosan-I'm in Holbrook. Ordered a bit of gear while parked on the LIE as well.Enjoy the Benchmark! Go with a good power cable/line conditioner on that puppy. 
Is a Meridian 598 a great music CD player?
Originally the Musical Fidelity kW SACD player, which blew away the Meridian in all aspects except transport too finceky. Played only 1 or 2 SACD's and failed on quite a few redbooks. It was also very noisey. (The transports on Musical Fidelity ge...