
Responses from cellorover

Has anyone seen the new Meadowlark Swift?
As with Frank, I heard them at the show. They were most impressive with the analogue set up, reflecting the quality of the turntable in that room compared to the digital set up. I have also heard them with CJ electronics and the music just flowed.... 
Has anyone seen the new Meadowlark Swift?
Suits me raises an very important point. Summer is the slow period for audio and this year is worse. Many dealers want to make the sale. However, the Swifts retail for $995, so they should be selling for less than 1K. As for the outriggers; yes, t... 
Has anyone seen the new Meadowlark Swift?
Hi! I have seen and heard the Swift and spent a lot of time on the phone with Pat McGinty talking about the Swift and the Swallow. The Swift is amazing. Nice wide soundstage, accurate, musical and captivating. A very liquid and sweet midrange. You... 
how to fix volume/balance on Tandberg 2080
I agree with the advice above. If that does not work or if you want to be sure it is not something more critical, call Conrad Johnson and ask for Tor Sivertson. Tor is the former president of Tanberg and should be able to give you some advice. Goo... 
How to adjust bias on superphon preamp
Call Stan Warren at 541-344-3696 and have him update it. He designed it and knows how to ugrade and modify it. 
Good budget monitor match for Plinius 8200MkII
Give the Meadowlark Vireo a listen. Very accurate and fast. They are not that placement sensitive and will surprise you. About $450 - 550 used. 
Best small monitor speaker 4 small room acoustics?
I have always been cursed and blessed with small rooms. My current room is 12x16x8. I have gone through many speakers in 20+ years, but this past year I upgraded my system and listened to and lived with several speakers. I first borrowed a pair of... 
Stan Warren Amplifier Mods
In a nutshell -- Stan reworks the circuitry and power supplies. He mainly does this to the Adcoms 5200, 5300 or 5400. These amps were originally designed by Nelson Pass but quality was compromised to meet retail price points. He corrects these thi... 
Speakers to match Audio Refinement Complete?
I second the vote on the Meadowlarks. The new Swift is amazing and actually more efficient than the Ketrals. The B&W's may sound bright after a while, so listen to them a long time to be sure. 
Best sound at Stereophile show.
Let me rephrase it. Forget trying to figure out what was best. What surprised you and why? Or, what did you hear that you didn't expect to? This is not analytical. It is about what you liked. 
Help identify/find this non-US spkr manufacturer?
How about Cambridge Sound Works? 
Recommend speakers
After hearing the new Meadowlark Swift (retail 995) at the NY Show last week, there is no contest. 
Best sound at Stereophile show.
Let's twist the question. We always say what was best, which is subjective and possibly not even attainable. Instead, what surprised you the most and was something you could live with? I agree that the vonSchweikert sounded great, but how would it... 
Recommendations for satellite/hanging spkrs
Meadowlark just introduced a new bi-polar wall hanging speaker that is amazing and very affordable. With their new cabinet making capabilities at the new factory, no decorator would reject these. 
best 50 watt tube amplifier?
It really depends on your speakers and what type of music you listen to. But without any caveats, CJ MV 60, Lumly GL 50 and EAR 534. Preamp with make a difference also.