
Responses from cellorover

Pre/power or Int Amp for Wilson Sophias?
CJ is coming out with a new 150 watt control amp this fall. It is based on the Premier 350 and should prove exactly what you need. I would take that over most other options. 
Playing with the idea of solid state amps
Of the amps you have listed, with your existing preamp, the Ayer and BC make the most sense. The BC 8 is one of my favorite amps. Then the Pass and McCormack. The Sim is very accurate, maybe a little dry. Since the door was opened for digital amps... 
Spend my $8,000 pt. 2
Catch Up: Greetings Mimberman-- FYI Modwright has a dealer in the New York area. But if you are still hunting, CJ has new amp coming out this fall called the Premier 150 CA. It is half the Premier 350 with switching and volume control from the Pre... 
$5000 or under speaker secommendations?
Penaudio Charisma/Chara are 5500 new so you could probably get them for 5000. Small footprint, big speaker sound. Great reviews. Also look at Silverline. 
Spend my $8,000 pt. 2
Here's an option. The new Modwright preamp at $2200 will outperform almost any preamp out there under 5-6K. I have heard it as well as have been told this by Dan and several others. Take a look at it and then you can reallocate your funds for phon... 
Blue Circle BC 21.1 Pre-amp. Tubes?
I have not rolled the tubes on this preamp, but have done so on a BC 24. I went throught Telefnkens that were detailed and dry; Russian military tubes that were musical but not detailed and ended up with Amprex NOS 7301. WOnderful results! 
Analysis Plus Solo Crystal Oval 8 question.
Glad to hear that we did not steer you wrong. Congratulations on a good buy. Now enjoy your music for while and do not get wire happy again too fast. Make other changes if you must and remember that one of the beauties of the Solo Crystal 8 is tha... 
Beginners Pre-amp
I do not know if I can contribute more than confirm what has already been said. IMO the best value for money and sound right now is the Modwright 9.0SE. I spent a lot of time with the beta unit and compared the production unit to other active and ... 
Amperex tubes questions
call Jim Sautter at Absolute Tubes 563-381-2189 
What CDP will better my digital seperates?
The Muse 10 will out perform most Thetas. Try that or the Ayre universal, but it has a funny sequence with its remote control for fast forward and skip. For that matter, the Muse remote control has its moments too. 
What comes after Jean-Marie Reynaud?
Try Penaudio Serenades or Silverline Sonatas 
Analysis Plus Solo Crystal Oval 8 question.
First, keep your CJ for a long time. The 2250A is a sleeper of an amp. As you upgrade the rest of your system the amp will deliver more and better sound. It really needs a good front end for you to get the maximum out of it. Enough said on that.I ... 
Mini monitors?
Penaudio Rebel 2 or Charisma. You can upgrade either by adding the Chara woofers that replace the stands. Chara actually take up less space than stands. 
CJ 16mk1, 16mk2, 17mk1 and 17mk2 difference?
In order of sound quality: ACT II, ART, 16ls2 and them a toss up between the 17ls2 and Premier 18. 
Channel Islands D-100 Amplifier
My comparison was against: CJ MF2250A, BAT VK220 and Manley Stingray. DM 100 bettered all in clarity and soundstage.