
Responses from cello

Why "Cryo" anything?
.Ejilu,.There is a reasonable chance that I studied and understood valid sample sizes before you did. It would be nice for us to have done over 100 repetitions of the comparisons that we did, but we only did about 22 or so. I think a 100 % agreeme... 
Why "Cryo" anything?
.John,.Great post and very informative thank you. Yes, I did mean to write silcone..Rgds,Larry. 
Why "Cryo" anything?
.Ejliu,.So in essence you are saying (if I understand your post correctly) that I am not capable of doing a double blind study with credible results. You also feel that the group of serious audiophiles thatlistened to the cryo treated vs non cryo ... 
About Lugnut -- Patrick Malone
.Bin,.Thanks....that was wonderful..Rgds,Larry. 
How long does a stylus last?
.Stuart,.I would highly recommend that you clean every record with Disc Doctor, RRL or Audio Intelligent cleaning fluids with either Disc Doctor or Last brushes and a good record cleaning machine like the VPI or Loricraft(this one is great but qui... 
How long does a stylus last?
.Keeping your records clean with a good record machine and cleaning fluid along with cleaning the stylus before each play with a Zerodust or Mr Clean Magic Cleaner (DIY - Doug Deacon invention), greatly extends the life of your stylus..Rgds,Larry 
Why "Cryo" anything?
.Drubin,.I can not tell you why Cryoed CD's sound so much better but they just do..Maybe someone else can chime in fill us in on the why..Rgds,Larry. 
Why "Cryo" anything?
.Eldartford,.I am ok with Elephants can't fly, but Cryo treatment works (and not because I am stubborn, but because it does)..Rgds,Larry. 
Why "Cryo" anything?
.Hi Eric / Mr_hosehead,.A friend and I did the double blind studies and were done with great care..I am sorry if I was a bit over the top with my first post. I get a bit tired of people making statements about how something does or does not work o... 
Why "Cryo" anything?
.Fishboat,.You have just ranted based on your ignorance. Cryo treatments absolutely do great things sonically for many (not all) audio pieces (results based on double blind studies)..Cryo treatment can destroy some materials like silicon and super... 
Supratek Tubes and Tube Swappin' for Everybody
.Brian,.Great posts as always..Rgds,Larry. 
Preamp Deal of the Century
.Hi Ray,.You might want to run your system with the CDP running 27/7 at low volume when it is not convenient to have the sound loud. It will greatly accelerate the break-in (not the phono stage) and you should have a good idea of what it will soun... 
About Lugnut -- Patrick Malone
.Hi Pat,.I always have you in my thoughts and prayers. You are a real bright spot for all of us. .Keep enjoying yourself and keep us updated with how you are doing and don't worry about holding back any of the news. We are here for you..Rgds,Larry. 
What's after Supratek
.Rackon,.Well written post - It's nice to have a voice of reason once in a while. .Rgds,Larry. 
Preamp Deal of the Century
..Ray - And.......?.