
Responses from cello

Isolated or dedicated lines for audio ?
.One more note. It is well worth it to buy the wiring and send it off to be double cryoed (www.cryogenicsinternational.com) before installing the wiring. It is a great improvement over non-cryoed wire. Since this is a one shot deal, you should do ... 
Best Phono Pre for Teres
.Koegz,.I have yet to hear the Shelter 90X vs any of the ZYX cartridges, but I had a Shelter 901. .I did do a full weekend comparison of the Airy2, Airy3, UNIverese, Koetsu Rosewood Signature Platinum, and Shelter 901. All of the ZYX cartridges we... 
Isolated or dedicated lines for audio ?
. Stehno,.I have quite a bit of experience with cryoing various wires and parts and I am a great advocate cryo treatments..Do you have much experience with double cryoing ?.Rgds,Larry. 
About Lugnut -- Patrick Malone
.Hi Pat,.Just checking in. Here's hoping getting off of the Taxol is a good thing energy wise and that the next drug option is kind and helpful..Thanks again for the openness of what you are going through. Reading this thread never fails to remind... 
Clearaudio v. Teres
Jj468,."Cello, thanks for the suggestion of the 265, but the 255 is a reach for me. Do you get a bigger bang for the buck going from the 165 to 255 or from the 255 to the 265?".I think your question is best answered by Chris Brady. I would suspect... 
Koetsu Urushi Cartridges - Differences?
.Kurt,.I had the Koetsu Rosewood Signature Platinum in my system and a friend mounted the Urushi in my system one weekend for comparison..The RSP was far superior in my system to the Urushi (but the Urushi was quite beautiful sounding)..The RSP ha... 
Clearaudio v. Teres
Jj2468,.P.S. If you are seriously contemplating getting the Teres 255, try to strech and get the 265..Rgds,Larry. 
Best Male Singers of the 20th Century
.Nat King Cole. 
Best Phono Pre for Teres
.Gary,.Great move getting the 340, UNIverse and Tri-planar. I have the 340, UNIverse and Graham 2.2 and I am extremely happy with the Supratek Grange. .The newer circuit designs are teriffic and I would highly recommend the new Grange or Cortese. ... 
Clearaudio v. Teres
.Readster, .Which model of the Teres are you referring to as being "the ugliest things I have ever seen" ?.Have you ever seen a Teres TT in person and if so which models ?.Rgds,Larry 
Clearaudio v. Teres
.Sirspeedy70680 (may I call you Sirspeedy?),.I will be using the Graham 2.2 until I get the Schroder (which will probably be 6-9 months from now)..I have had a Schroder Reference and the Graham mounted in my system with the same cartridge, on the ... 
Clearaudio v. Teres
.Cougar,.Nice rig.....just one more thought for you to cogitate: See if you can audition a ZYX Airy2 or Airy3 in your current set up. I had the 901 on my Teres/Graham 2.2 set up and the ZYX cartridges are just that much better than the 901. .The A... 
Calling all ZYX aficionados
.Sirspeedy,.For what's it worth I get your sense of humor and am quite dry by nature myself. So, no harm no foul. I do always enjoy your posts..I also like the fact that you don't take things at surface value. I try to be quite careful about how I... 
Calling all ZYX aficionados
.Sirspeedy,.ItÂ’s always a thrill to hear to hear from you..I suspect that you might be in for a surprise when you finally get to hear a ZYX UNIverse for yourself. Do be inquisitive and questioning, but try to temper your skepticism just a wee bit.... 
Calling all ZYX aficionados
.Sirspeedy, would you prefer your eggs sunny side up or scambled ?.Rgds,Larry.