
Responses from cello

About Lugnut -- Patrick Malone
.Happy Birthday Pat, .Enjoy yourself today. I hope the upward trend continues. .Best Regards, Larry 
importance of phono cartridge
.Judy,.Don't sugar coat it. Tell him how you really feel..Rgds,Larry. 
SOTA table owners- getting upgraded
.Sirspeedy,.A - I know that battery powered TT drive motors sound better than those run by normal AC current (my experience with Teres). I absolutely think that good properly matched power cords as compared to stock cords make a significant improv... 
importance of phono cartridge
.Dennis,.Congratulations on your Airy3, great decision..A Tri-Planar7 would be a great choice of arms to match up with the Airy3..Teres makes some incredibly beautiful sounding/looking tables at great value prices. We know that Airy3, Tri-Planar a... 
SOTA table owners- getting upgraded
.Sirspeedy,.A question for you: Would Nrchy be better off trying to find a way to get a battery power source in lieu of getting a great power cord (I do think power cords make a huge difference in almost all applications) ?.Rgds,Larry. 
Help needed on using Loricraft PRC4
.Sorry, I hit the caps lock, it should have said PRC4 not PRC$.. 
Help needed on using Loricraft PRC4
.No - I have the PRC$ and I have never had that problem. I set the tacking weight to close to zero and the thread is the only thing that comes in contact with the record..Are you using the thread supplied by Smart Devices ?.Call Norm at Smart Devi... 
Preamp Deal of the Century
.Steve,.I am really looking forward to hearing your comparison of your new Grange vs. the Steelhead. .David Roth's "Vincent" is amazing and the LP (CD) should be in everyone's collection. It is that good..I hope your Grange arrives soon..Rgds,Larry. 
SOTA table owners- getting upgraded
.Sirspeedy,.I wasn't really sorry or apologizing. I was f@#king with you..Enjoy the heat..Rgds,Larry. 
SOTA table owners- getting upgraded
.Sirspeedy,.I am sorry. Was that a bit harsh (certainly not my intention)..Rgds,Larry. 
ZYX RS20 vs Denon DL103
.Joe,.You might want to consider using the Cardas Frequency Sweep / Burn in LP. It does great things for break-in (using the burn in side) and the Frequency sweep side is a great system conditioner that does wonderful things for the sonics when us... 
SOTA table owners- getting upgraded
.Sirspeedy,.I was going to write a review for the Schroder last night, but I thought it might be better to wait until I actually have it before offering any strong opinions..As soon as I get the Schroder in my system, you will be the 11th to know.... 
About Lugnut -- Patrick Malone
.Good luck tomorrow Pat. It is nice to hear that there are some up days happening. Do let us know how it all goes..Rgds,Larry. 
Preamp Deal of the Century
.Docsavage,.Are you in Florida ?.Rgds,Larry. 
Preamp Deal of the Century
.Doc,.I am sure you will love your Cortese. Just remember, it improves dramactically as breaks in (and then later, much later there is tube rolling.......more fun)..Congratulations.....Enjoy !.Rgds,Larry.