
Responses from cello

Zyx R1000 Airy3 vs Universe
.Sirspeedy,.You need to learn to push the boundaries of your relationship with your wife. She privately is only truly concerned with your happiness and not her own. But, because you have subjugated your own needs for what you believe to be her nee... 
About Lugnut -- Patrick Malone
.Nicely said Doug and I agree wholeheartedly..Rgds,Larry. 
About Lugnut -- Patrick Malone
.Pat,.Thanks for sharing your trip in such great detail. I am only sorry not to have been tagging along. It sounds like an incredible trip with great people. San Francisco is just a wonderful place to spend some time..Glad you are smiling.....and ... 
Zyx R1000 Airy3 vs Universe
.Ehhhh...Errr.....Thank you Frank, Thank you Sirspeedy..Best Regards,Larry. 
Preamp Deal of the Century
.Larryrosen,.Which model Supratek are you getting ?.Rgds,Larry. 
Schroeder arms: order of merit?
.Nrchy,.It was just a thought......Rgds,Larry. 
Schroeder arms: order of merit?
.Nrchy,.Have you considered taking up drinking ? It will help pass the time until your table arrives. .Rgds,Larry. 
Schroeder arms: order of merit?
.Nrchy,.Got back from traveling on Sunday and was back at the office today......What's up with the schedule on getting your new table ?.Rgds,Larry. 
Schroeder arms: order of merit?
.Sirspeedy,.Just click on my name ("Cello") in my post and then click on send email. You can then compose an email to me and send it. Please send me a phone number to contact you if you wish..Rgds,Larry. 
Schroeder arms: order of merit?
.Sirspeedy,.I tried to email you and it bounced back to me (as it always has when I try to email you) with a message saying:." --- The message cannot be delivered to the following address. ---sirspeedy70680@earthlink.net Mailbox unknown or not acc... 
ZYX RS20 vs Denon DL103
.Joe,.What's happening with the ZYX RS20 ? Is it broken in now and what do you think of it compared to the 103r ?.Rgds,Larry. 
About Lugnut -- Patrick Malone
.Nrchy,.Beautifully said.....and I agree wholeheartedly. .Pat, You are a special person and a hero for many of us. I also hope that I have half the courage you have demonstrated. You definitely have helped me to appreciate all of the blessings tha... 
Schroeder arms: order of merit?
.Sirspeedy,.The only thing that Teres might be guilty of is having fallen in love with the Schroder Reference Arm. .I have known him long enough to know that he would only offer a non-biased honest opinion. He is truly one of the good guys who is ... 
Schroeder arms: order of merit?
Sirspeedy,.While I think that it would be interesting to have Michael Fremer's opinion/review on the Schroder Reference, I can not see why it to be a positive move for Frank Schroder to get a review done..He has been continually overwhelmed with o... 
importance of phono cartridge
.Once again, Raul does not directly answer the straightforward question posed to him..