
Responses from cedar

Audio Horizons TP 2.0 Preamplifier
That is part of the design of the balanced interconnection. They call it common-mode noise rejection. It lowers noise level. It's a more expensive solution because it requires balanced mode output transformers in the preamp.Here is a link that wil... 
Audio Horizons TP 2.0 Preamplifier
Markwatkiss,Thanks for the update. Meanwhile, I continue to listen to iterations of Joseph's SET power amp - and they continue to improve. I understand that within the next few weeks I will listen to a SET power amp with a different tube complemen... 
George Wright Preamp Hum
You might ask Joseph Chow at Audio Horizons. He often works on tube gear. http://www.audio-horizons.com/ 
Very sad news - George Wright has died
Yes, in my correspondence with George, I also found him to be an honorable gentleman. Rest in peace, sir. 
audio horizons-Unhappy & Why
I'm very happy with Audio Horizons. I use the tube pre-amp and the tube DAC. Generally, as you see from the chat threads, users love the products. There are exceptions to the rule, such as Tvad, but they are the exception.Since there is a home aud... 
Mark Levinson 380S to Audio Horizons TP 2.1
I am familiar with the Audio Horizons TP 2.1 but the last Levinson preamp I used was a model 28, so I can't help you with a comparison to the 380S. You can make the comparison yourself by requesting a home audition of the TP 2.1. For the cost of s... 
Audio Horizons TP 2.0 Preamplifier
Although I moved away from vinyl some time ago, I have listened to the TP 8.0. It's a very good phono preamp. You can listen to it, too. Contact Jospeh and ask for a trial. 
Audio Horizons TP 2.0 Preamplifier
Cdente - do you have more results to report from your TD3.0 DAC upgrade? If I understand it correctly, this upgrade involved significant change, including a new DAC chipset (192kHz) and power supply chamge. 
Audio Horizons TP 2.0 Preamplifier
Joseph brought a TP2.1 with Clarity capacitors and a feature he called harmonic alignment to test in my system yesterday. Sherod and others have noted the musical transparency of the Clarity capacitor. I agree with their assessment but will not re... 
Audio Horizons TP 2.0 Preamplifier
My room is 20' x 20' x 9'. Two adjacent walls have large openings, so the effective volume is larger than the measurements indicate.I use a digital source. The loudspeakers are specified at 92 dB with a minimum impedance of 10 ohms. I listen to mu... 
Audio Horizons TP 2.0 Preamplifier
On a recent evening, I watched a skillful boxer beat a less skillful boxer. He was faster to punch, to change angles, to block, to slip punches. An athlete in peak form sees, acts, and reacts so quickly that we fans marvel at his speed and mastery... 
Audio Horizons TP 2.0 Preamplifier
As you know, Joseph tries to offer upgrade paths. So, with respect to my system, I will receive upgrades to my existing 2.0nB (which has been modified previously from the original configuration).Several weeks have passed since I listened to the pr... 
Audio Horizons TP 2.0 Preamplifier
Joseph brought the test unit over to my home twice to listen to it in my system. So, I've had the pleasure of listening to the new preamp upgrade in my system for about two hours. That was enough to persuade me to order the the upgrade. Before I s... 
Audio Horizons TP 2.0 Preamplifier
Well, I'm delighted that this thread has been returned to service by Audiogon. It has been missing too long.As I have reported before, I have beta tested products on behalf of Audio Horizons. These products include the various DACs, line level pre... 
MA2275 preamp section against other $4000 preamps?
I notice your current system includes a VTL 5.5. That is a preamp I used before moving to the Audio Horizons preamp. Judging by your description of the musical sound you prefer, I agree with Markwatkiss that the Audio Horizons preamp would be an e...