

Responses from catalysis

Thiel Owners
oblgny, I find your insights most interesting and very similar to my own experiences with the 3.5’s.There are certainly more "plug and play" speakers out there, but when you’ve got them set up correctly, the 3.5’s go places that I don’t hear on va... 
Thiel Owners
It's possible to overload that mid range, certainly, and there are many anecdotal cases of this. The 3.5's will go plenty loud enough without the need for that, however, unless your listening room is half the size of Madison Square Garden :-)In te... 
Thiel 3.5 equalizer advice
Another deliriously happy 3.5 owner here. I’m also a huge advocate of the equalizer. Interestingly, I used to own KEF Reference 107/2’s and pretty much hated what the KUBE equalizer did to them, essentially sitting on the sound terribly. The 107/2... 
Thiel Owners
Well I must say, as a 3.5 owner, this is the thread that keeps on giving every week. Some fascinating insights guys.Listening to the 3.5s as I write and I can confirm other recent comments that their reputation for brightness is simply a misunders... 
Thiel Owners
nkonor my understanding, as far as 3.5s are concerned, is that Thiel service can only rebuild drivers. I understand the midrange can be rebuilt for $300 each, so not cheap, but I think well worth it to extend the life of these wonderful speakers. ... 
Thiel Owners
Previous speakers in my listening room had always benefited from quite fierce toe in, essentially with the tweeters pointing at my ears. With the Thiels it’s totally different. They don’t sound bad in that configuration, but it does compress their... 
Thiel Owners
"Thanks! for sharing your impressions and experiences- catalysis what gear, including cabling, are your using in your system?"Benchmark DAC2 HGC, Bridged Adcom GFA 555II’s, Benchmark star quad interconnects. Canare star quad speaker cable. I have ... 
Thiel Owners
Minuscule differences of course, but I think neither speaker went to 20Hz, something like 23Hz, but I appreciate that’s as near as dammit to full range. 
Thiel Owners
Have been watching this thread with huge interest and perhaps it’s time I waded in with a few initial thoughts, again on the 3.5s. I’m 100% with oblgny in his praise for these amazing speakers. Goodness knows I’ve owned a hell of a lot of speakers...