

Responses from catalysis

Thiel Owners
Hi Jafant, thanks it will be interesting to see what Rob says.  
More Bad News AT Thiel
The current Thiel administration is about as far from Kathy and Jim's ideals as it's possible to be. The only thing I will praise is that they've so far kept the Kentucky servicing dept open. Long may that continue. 
Thiel Owners
Hi Again Everyone,Hope you’re all getting ready for some great holiday season listening.Disconcerting recent news/rumors about Thiel’s possible demise isn’t it, though not exactly the surprise of 2017. Frankly, in the voice of the best Bond villai... 
More Bad News AT Thiel
I find this whole sorry affair so annoying and yet I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t entirely predictable. The dilemma now is does one send off parts to be serviced at Kentucky never to see them again if the place suddenly shuts down? I’ve watched ... 
Thiel Owners
I hadn’t looked at the Thiel website for some time until tonight. This is indeed an increasingly worrying situation. And yet an entirely predictable one, as a new CEO with no apparent high end audio experience makes her presence felt, with what ap... 
Thiel Owners
Hi Everyone,Thiel can keep appointing CEOs, but until one of them finally gets to grips that the company's brand collateral is being decimated by a never ending stream of uninspiring, underwhelming "me too" speakers, the decline will continue. It'... 
Thiel Owners
All good here thanks jafant. Hope it’s a good summer for you also.Oblgny I totally agree with you that it’s worth the rebuild fee and that’s exactly what I’ll be doing.The nice thing about the Aleene’s repair is twofold really. First it allows me,... 
Thiel Owners
Hi Fellow Thiel Lovers,Haven't been on here for a while, but I have been following the thread every Friday when the weekly email arrives from Audiogon. This is a wonderful chain of discussion with like minded audio folk. Great stuff.Anyway I just ... 
Thiel Owners
What I have found with the 3.5s very recently is that positioning is actually more critical than advertised to get the best bass response.Of course this is probably very room specific but I've now discovered that sitting just inside the triangle w... 
FLAC, WAV or AIFF question
Apple prejudices aside, I believe that AIFF gives equally good quality to WAV but with the huge advantage of including metadata.Having ripped around a 1000 of my own CDs in AIFF, you don’t even want to think of the mess that WAV can create in term... 
Thiel Owners
jafant, I would concur about timbre. It's a quality I've only heard to the same sort of level in electrostatics. In fact, owning Thiels changed my long held perception that only electrostatics could create that illusion to the same extent. It's th... 
Thiel Owners
Naturally everyone’s mileage will vary on this, according to one’s room and equipment, but I just love how the system sounds with the equalizer in the system. Even with the equalizer on, you could never describe the 3.5s as bass heavy. What I thin... 
Thiel Owners
Hi Dave, well I guess that's pretty reassuring. It would indeed be tragic if Jim's designs were allowed to succumb to the ravages of time. I dread the day when I have to look for another speaker.  
Thiel Owners
The subject of how long Rob will be able to keep the Thiel servicing going is one that should concern all us owners. It’s pretty clear to me that the new Thiel lords and masters aren’t adding any value into the business, in terms of innovation, in... 
Thiel Owners
Thanks Dave, This guy nailed it didn't he. To be honest it's something that's been happening in audio since the very early 90s'. Celestion and KEF and Quad are other good examples. Sadly it's a microcosm of life in general, in that there's very li...