
Responses from carmenc

What is going on? No-one buys good stuff priced right.
Well said @timrhu .....couldn't agree more.  Regards..... 
What's in your CDP tonight? the minority report
California Guitar Trio & Cat Stevens... 
What is going on? No-one buys good stuff priced right.
What sense63 said!Here is an example.  I've always loved ARC gear, but I can't afford it any longer.  Even used most of its quite expensive.  Recently, I purchased a used Blue Circle tube preamp and solid state amp in mint condition as they were s... 
Current NAD integrated amps, what are your impressions?
@catcher10......agree with your take on NAD.  Can't comment on the Ayre as I've never heard the AX-7.  Truth be known, some of the ones that now talk ill of NAD probably owned one at one time or another.   I have owned more costly gear, and believ... 
Thiel Owners
As a previous Thiel CS 2 2 owner and still a fan to this day, I agree with Jafant.  Good luck! 
Audio research 100.2 any good ?????
+1 @stringreen .....I agree.  I owned the ARC 100.2 and although it was quite good in the day, I think it resting on its laurels now and has a nostalgia attached to it.  There are better amps out there now IMHO.   Ayre, Belles, Blue Circle to name... 
Whats playing on your system today?
Lucinda Williams.....Down Where The Spirit Meets The Bone. 
Conrad Johnson PV12 AL
Hopefully hifiman5 will weigh in here as he has one that was modified and he is quite happy with it.  Good luck.  Regards...... 
Audio research 100.2 any good ?????
I know, Belles would be my first choice! 
Audio research 100.2 any good ?????
@nesto719....what kind of budget do you have in mind?  Do you plan on hanging onto the MA for awhile?  What percentage of music vs  movies (h/t)?  This will help.  Thanks. 
Audio research 100.2 any good ?????
Yes NAD really!  Never said it was in the same league as the ARC!  I know; I use to own the 100.2.  Just helping the OP do some research and consider different avenues.  Don't forget, he doesn't have a preamp so buying a stellar amp may not make s... 
Audio research 100.2 any good ?????
Seperates are certainly great, but not always better.  Depends on your long term goals and your system.   If you're going to keep your MA speakers for awhile I'd look into an integrated that has the features you like.  Creek, NAD or Rega is where ... 
What's in your CDP tonight? the minority report
Tori Amos..."Scarlet's Walk" 
Audio research 100.2 any good ?????
Hi nesto719.  The ARC was sold new in the late '90s/early 2000 so if you could find one in good condition and at the right price, I wouldn't hesitate.  That being said, I would personally have it sent into ARC to have it checked out.  Caps can get... 
Conrad Johnson--Best used Model
The CJ is very good.  I had the 17LS. That being said, I'd look at a balanced preamp from BAT or Cary to go with the balanced Pass.  You have to be privey of the output impedence of the pre with the input impedence of the amp.  Best.  Regards......