
Responses from carmenc

Quick Poll: Which of the following systems sounds best with Vandersteen 2C's?
Belles Aria integrated with AQ or Kimber.  I've the Belles with Kimber 8tc and Vandy's incredible!!!  The Belles is all you'd really ever need with the 2's.  I've been told it's an incredible match with the 8k Treo CT as well.  Best..... 
Very Bad purchase from upscale audio Acoustic Zen Adagio
With great dealers like John @ AC, Alan @ Audiowaves, Taylor @ Goldprint.....why buy from this idiot!?  I know because he sells Acoustic Zen.  Perhaps look at a different AZ dealer or look for a different speaker.  Let's face it despite some of th... 
Chuck Berry passed away today....
Thanks for the news, albeit not so great.  My Dad loved Chuck Berry, and I ended up doing likewise.  May he Rest In Peace and prayers to his family.  Thank you for all the great music! 
Up to $4500 burning a hole in my pocket
Vandersteen, Proac, Tannoy or Thiel!  Get the best you can afford for your budget.  Regards...... 
R.I.P. John Wetton (King Crimson/Asia)
Thanks for bringing attention to this.  I enjoyed Asia, even my Dad liked their songs. ..... makes me smile.  Great voice just like Greg Lake ( ELP ) who was also a member and who also passed away just last year!  RIP John. 
DH Labs Silversonic
Definitely agree!  A well thought out system with that "synergy" we all yearn for will sound so much better than just a bunch of expensive components thrown together.  I sold my Tannoys unfortunately.  They were the DC8 monitors.  They were 88db. ... 
DH Labs Silversonic
Thanks.  This was interesting to read.  Always heard great things about DH Labs.  I just received their Power Plus power cord for my integrated amp.  Looking forward to it.  May try some Air Matrix in the near future.  The Q10 Signature was recomm... 
Integrated amp upgrade
As a prior Thiel owner, I recommend a large ss amp with a tube preamp.  I don't think you'll be content in the long run with an integrated, especially with cs3.7.As mentioned by mani-2, Pass, Krell, Threshold...also CJ, Belles.  Good luck! 
Speaker cable suggestions for Sugden A21SE integrated
Bobby always recommended Cardas, Audience or JPS with his Merlins.  Perhaps look into those.  Not sure how they'll match with the Sugden, but a place to start. Best..... 
Songs Faber Olympica I vs Dynaudio Contour 20 - My Review
Agree very much.  The C20 sounded to me to be almost too perfect.  It's as if they were being used as a recording monitor.  You're so right in that the boxes were mostly all ticked.  Clarity, detail, soundstage, dynamics, etc.  In the end the musi... 
Tannoy Turnberry SE vs Kensington SE - Semi Review
Excellent review and quite enjoyable to read.  I had Tannoy Definition DC8 and certainly got a taste of what Tannoys are capable of.  I regret selling them now as the music that emanated from them just seemed right to me.  Interesting as I've ofte... 
Stand mount speakers for a very large room !!
Happy New Year to you as well!  Dynaudio comes to mind as their monitors are known for large dispersion of sound meaning they work quite well off axis.  They typically like power and especially current.Given your existing amplification, Tannoy DC8... 
+1 regarding the Vandersteen 1Ci.  I'm trying to really reconcile why I'd need anything more.  I've been considering them for a few years now.  Been buying more expensive monitors that I really question whether they are any better than the Vandy 1... 
Integrated Amp Suggestions for Dynaudio Contour 3.4LE
Here are the following amps that have a track record of good synergy with Dynaudio; Naim, Belles, Simaudio, Hegel, Plinius and Octave ( tube ).  Dynaudio need current to come alive and sound their best.  The 3.4le are 86db, 4 ohms and rated up to ... 
Integrated Amp Suggestions for Dynaudio Contour 3.4LE
Congrats on the 3.4s.  Belles Aria or Belles Soloist One!  Belles has great synergy with both Dynaudio and Maggie's.  Some are fond of the Hegel integrateds as well.  Best of luck and keep us posted.