Responses from carl_eber
Speaker for Bryston 4B-ST and Wadia 830 The sharpness is the 2.3 speakers, IMHO. Read the Stereophile review... | |
Spectral Amp I don't need to get into a pissing contest with you here (yet), Plsl, and I'm sorry you LACK a certain sense of humor. In any case, I congratulate you on having good hearing. And also on having the money/connections/time to evaluate SO MANY produc... | |
Revel,salon vs B&W Nautilus If I had to spend $20,000 on a speaker system (for my large room), I'd consider a used Genesis 200, or a Wisdom Audio Adrenaline...And I'd need even more of the already considerable ASC traps that I have... | |
Krell or Pass Harvey, don't ignore what we all say. Just buy Krell FPB-350 monoblocks USED...then you can sell them exclusively TO ME in a year or two when you uprgrade to KAS... | |
CD vs. SACD vs. DVD-Audio vs Vinyl vs... ElDragon: Thanks very much for the compliments!! Jtinn: YOU'VE REDEEMED YOURSELF WITH ME, since you like vinyl, and your observations are entirely CORRECT about the issue of SACD, and also of comparing an SACD player with a quality CD player. I ap... | |
Wilson v Sonus Faber Anybody who "tends" to prefer anything is a wuss. One of my professors in college "tended" to think this or that, and he, well, didn't play for the right team, so to speak. You obviously have no top octave sensitivity, for starters...Why should yo... | |
Power Conditioner Confusion-Help!! Power conditioners have nothing to do with lowering hiss (the improvements they make are noticed while music is playing). It's a problem with one of your components or amp...unless your'e only hearing it when you put your ear up against the tweete... | |
Chord vs Spectron I'd like to hear a Chord amp sometime; sorry I can't help you... | |
Best headphones? The Sennheiser HD-600 easily beats any Grado, IMHO; especially when driven with tubes. IF I COULD AFFORD THE STAX OMEGA 2 007, I'd buy it in a second. The only thing that troubles me with esl 'phones is that the thin plastic membrane isn't as acou... | |
Recording vinyl to CD/MD for portability VPI HW-19jr. I've done the same thing, onto DAT, and even edited the ticks and pops out on my computer. I'll be burning it onto a CD. VERY REWARDING...almost as much fun as playing vinyl in the first place... | |
Turntable springs! You're just lazy and farsighted in your old age, heh heh... | |
Best 2000.00 OR under AMP AGAIN, the Krell KAV-250a is the clear winner here. 500 watts rms per channel into 4 ohms, can be had used for around $2k. BEATS EVERYTHING IN THIS PRICE RANGE, GURANTEED... | |
Quality used amplifier needed The Krell KAV-250a is the clear winner by a WIDE margin here!! 500 watts rms into 4 ohms, per channel. VERY HIGH CURRENT, so build a dedicated 30 amp circuit...Around $2000 used. | |
Anyone has heard the Sony SACD Player Sometimes a separate active linestage is better, BUT NOT IN THE CASE OF THE CD50... | |
Creek 4240SE has buzzing sound. Sometimes power supply transformers, especially in amplifiers, buzz. I don't know of anything that will stop it, unless one of those new PS Audio units might. Those might limit current too much for an amplifier, though... |