
Responses from calvinj

When rap came out 30 years ago I thought it was just a fad
@whipsaw great take on this. That's important to note it's gives views from a different perspective and that always important to society. It has at times pointed out mistreatment and inequality in our justice system for example. I look on both sid... 
When rap came out 30 years ago I thought it was just a fad
Well it doesn't surprise me that there is definitely a generation gap in music. I respect the legacy of BB King, Miles Davis and Bob Dylan's. They are great musicians.  I used to represent one of the guys who played with BB.  He was a great guy as... 
When rap came out 30 years ago I thought it was just a fad
Now taters. We are good with each other. I'm just speaking my mind and you are speaking yours.  I think from your limited viewpoint all you see is your tv and media stuff of rap.  I'm not a fan much of the current state of tge rap genre. It just m... 
When rap came out 30 years ago I thought it was just a fad
@taters as one of my rappers would say. You getting mad I'm getting rich you getting mad I'm getting rich.  STIFF ARM!!!  
Jazz for aficionados
On los malos hombres these guys each get solos and try to outplay each other it's amazing 
Jazz for aficionados
If I was on an island The Right Touch would be one of my five albums that's how much I love it. It's a treasure. I knew when I suggested it that you guys would go crazy once you heard it. The list of the guys playing on it is flat out stellar. It'... 
When rap came out 30 years ago I thought it was just a fad
@tostadosunidos well spoken.  You make some great points.  Great. I love jazz the most.  I listen everyday.  It's absolutely stunning the way some of them can play.   To each his own.   We all have our preferences.  I love the original ROOTS crew ... 
When rap came out 30 years ago I thought it was just a fad
Yup.  See how trump leads this race to run our country.  This is what the world has come too.  Thug this thug that. Arguments that are clearly "dumbed down" lol. Musical genre painted with a broad brush.  I could say heavy metal or Rock is for the... 
Tell us your worst audio dealer or mfr. experience.
@lowrider57  my cd2s was a demo piece. I bought it from USA tube audio themselves.  You should be ok.  My sale ran smoothly and the guy was nice at first.   Then the problem came with the remote. Then I felt like he could  have suggested something... 
When rap came out 30 years ago I thought it was just a fad
@taters good job.  Lol.  Yup probably a little too much for you to understand. I should expect that from someone who just doesn't like it and paints with the broad brush. I get it enjoy your rock and roll. Honestly, certain kinds of music is not m... 
High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz
I was able to hear Rick's revamped system with King sound electrostat speakers. He added super tweeters and rel subwoofers and the system was cabled with All high fidelity stuff as well as the the new Pro Line series of high fidelity.  It was a gr... 
When rap came out 30 years ago I thought it was just a fad
I must admit that most the stuff nowadays I don't even consider it rap to me it is the follow the bouncing ball sing a long cartoon that we watched as kids. Some people don't like rap and I understand that but this yodeling and auto tune 2000 is n... 
When rap came out 30 years ago I thought it was just a fad
If you ask the roots themselves they have the completely opposite opinion.  The are the intelligent side of hip hop. Interesting comments.  Not Informed on the band and its originations.  
Jazz for aficionados
@frogman @jzzmusician  thanks will take a look at both.  Have either of you heard Duke Pearson "The Right Touch". It is a great album. Overlooked 
Jazz for aficionados
@frogman were you ever able to find Edmar Castaneda on Cd I tried but could not on one of his albums.