
Responses from calvinj

Axpona 2018 Will you be there?
See u there  
KR Audio va900 integrated amplifier. Resonessence Mirus Pro Dac, Gato FM6 speakers. Modwright Sony es5400 tube CD player. Melco N1A server. Atlas mavros speaker cables, clarity cable interconnects to the Mirus. Clarity power cables. Hi fidelity re... 
REL Vs SVS for 2 channel music listening
I’m ordered a rel 212 se. I’m going to pick up tomorrow and have a rel rep over next week for set up.  I think rel is best sub for 2 channel. It’s all about the blend with 2 channel. Will update y’all in 3 weeks. My speakers are gato FM6. From Den... 
REL Vs SVS for 2 channel music listening
I’m ordered la rel 212 se. I’m goiing to pick up tomorrow and have a rel rep over next week for set up.  I think rel is best sub for 2 channel. It’s all about the blend with 2 channel. Will update y’all in 3 weeks. My speakers are gato FM6. From D... 
It’s been a crazy run. High and lows. I just hate that two of my top audio listening friends are no longer with us. David Baskin of design audio video passed away and my friend Charles Threat. Those guys were obsessive and allowed me to hear and e... 
why do people feel the need to buy expensive cable
Components first then decent cables. It’s not that hard! It’s not cables then components. Chicken or the egg. Not!  Lol  
why do people feel the need to buy expensive cable
@joeylawn36111 you are right when you have a certain kind of gear they make more of a difference.  I agree you should spend on components first.  I have a great Dac and a tubed CD player. I’m injoying it all the best I can.  I’m through chasing ca... 
why do people feel the need to buy expensive cable
@joeylawn36111 if you choose to use chicken wire that’s fine but the right cable makes a difference.  
why do people feel the need to buy expensive cable
If you can’t hear the difference then your ears are broke!  
why do people feel the need to buy expensive cable
Bottom line cables make a difference. If you can’t hear the difference don’t buy them.  If you can’t hear the difference then you shouldn’t try to comment because your hearing is probably off some or a lot! 
EML 5U4G in Modwright Tube Power Supply ?
HD is good mavros is more open  
EML 5U4G in Modwright Tube Power Supply ?
Wig wig did you ever try hidiamond 6 speaker cables  
EML 5U4G in Modwright Tube Power Supply ?
My system is already very transparent could stand a little more richness and weight  
EML 5U4G in Modwright Tube Power Supply ?
@wig how did the hidiamond 3 powercable sound like n the Sony modwright CD player  
High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz
Hey I haven’t heard the reveal line yet anyone what are your impressions?