

Responses from cal3713

Preamp Output Capacitor: Mundorf Supreme vs. Supreme Silver Oil
@grannyring Finally sprung for the duelund cast tinned copper. These capacitors are absolutely amazing. Now I have them in my dac (audio mirror tubadour III se), pre, and speaker crossover. They just sound so natural.  
Another new DAC: Audio Mirror
@vassils.  Thanks for the information! 
Need updated opinions on R2R vs Multibit delta sigma DACs
Not exactly what you're after, but a data point and a post to keep your thread moving.  I own an Audio Mirror Tubadour III SE that is built on an Analog Devise multibit R2R chip.  I absolutely love it.  My comparison isn't a perfect-measuring delt... 
Another new DAC: Audio Mirror
@vassils Can you say what you’re using to run your woofers? I have Coincident PRE’s (94db) and just finally got dedicated subwoofer amplifiers to run their lower ends (2 x 12"). They’re the solid state Class AB Dayton Audio SA1000s that Audio Kine... 
Hidden Gems in Pre-Owned Solid State Power Amplifiers?
A lot of recommendations without any concern for what speakers will be driven (and their sensitivity, impedance, & phase angles) and the preamp/dac that will do the driving (and whether there will be an impedance mismatch between it and the am... 
I wish I did not, but I do hear a difference between different fuses.  That said, I find the differences between capacitors a much larger effect.  My preamp has two outputs that are identical besides the output capacitor and I'd be shocked if anyo... 
Another new DAC: Audio Mirror
Yes, normally there would be a fuse between the hot leg of your AC cord and the DAC circuitry, but if you want to live dangerously, you can directly connect the + leg of the circuit to the hot tab of your IEC outlet, bypassing the normal fuse posi... 
And I'm cheering for you Raul.  It's a shame your cap values are so large that you can't just buy everything and try them all...When experimenting on my speaker crossover, I used these so that I could test caps without soldering (https://www.zoro.... 
Not the same application at all, so take it with a grain of salt, but within the week I'll have tried TFTF V-Cap, Mundorf Supreme Silver/Gold/Oil, and Duelund Tinned-Copper CAST as my preamp output coupler.  So far I prefer the Mundorf.  Burning i... 
Another new DAC: Audio Mirror
congrats @mesch hope you love it.  Please do report back regardless of your agreement... 
Don Sach's pre amp
Also, just checked my pre's height and it looks to be under 8" tall with tubes (and some vibration control).  A little hard to check inside the cabinet. 
Don Sach's pre amp
@highstream Wish I could comment more about preamp options, but the DS pre is my first. Prior had run DAC direct from the PWD and DSD. Like you said, adding in a preamp is really a huge improvement. Counterintuitive as it may be. My reading did co... 
Audio Kinesis Swarm Subwoofer Awarded 2019 Golden Ear Award by Robert E. Greene
@luisma31 If you do have a pre with capacitor coupled outputs, at 39k, you’ll need 2uF of capacitance (or more)... https://www.v-cap.com/coupling-capacitor-calculator.php 
Subwoofer recommendation for swarm
I noted this in the A.K. swarm thread, but for people who might have missed it... If you're using the Dayton sa1000 subwoofer amp, note that it has a low input impedance of 12k ohms. If you've got a preamp with capacitor coupled outputs, you'll ne... 
Another new DAC: Audio Mirror
This dac will certainly grow on you over time. I'm still getting more and more impressed and I've had it for months. It just makes beautiful music.