

Responses from cal3713

How much does a Zobel network and its components affect the sound of speakers?
@signaturesound That makes it sound like a worthwhile upgrade to any speaker. Could you also say what value the resistor is in the zobel circuit? I'd be interested in building a pair and trying on my coincidents.  
Moving up from a Node 2i
Hi Ozzy, I have a magna mano ultra that I like. It's also a modified R-pi, but with a built in low noise linear power supply and a number of other modifications. It also has I2S out (ps audio standard), which is what sold me on buying one. Would a... 
chop stick holders.
@jond Thanks for posting the link.  Those look very worthwhile.   
Preamp Output Capacitor: Mundorf Supreme vs. Supreme Silver Oil
Also, wow that guy's test bench. 
Preamp Output Capacitor: Mundorf Supreme vs. Supreme Silver Oil
That's also a great video, thanks for posting. 
Preamp Output Capacitor: Mundorf Supreme vs. Supreme Silver Oil
Yes. I need to understand circuits better to give the technical reason why, but in my pre the outer foil points "upstream" (away from the outputs). The mundorfs are supposedly non-directional, but I’ve seen a video where people hook it to to an os... 
Preamp Output Capacitor: Mundorf Supreme vs. Supreme Silver Oil
I wish we could rename this thread "Preamp Output Capacitor Discussion."  (or Comparison or Reviews) Super useful experiences and suggestions in here.  Thanks for the contributions. 
Finally Settled on a Preamp—Don Sachs Model 2 Custom Linestage
@robert1234 It would be nice if you could list the other preamps you've tried here in this thread for ease of reference... most readers will be curious.  Thanks and glad you're loving the pre.  I love mine too. 
Another new DAC: Audio Mirror
For people who are on the fence about buying a dac that uses an old chip when there are new dac's with better measurables to be had... I got a demo of a Matrix X-Sabre Pro and the Audio Mirror TIII-SE is just so much better.  The "modern" Matrix s... 
PS Audio Direct Stream Dac & Bridge 2 Sound quality
Ohh, and perhaps a 10" tablet would work?  A Samsung Galaxy Tab A can be had for under $300 and that's probably starting to get you closer to a small laptop's screen size.  If not, JRiver on a laptop can handle sending your local music collection ... 
PS Audio Direct Stream Dac & Bridge 2 Sound quality
@ozzy I have an Audio Mirror Tubadour III SE that I am currently demoing against a Lampizator Amber 3 (to arrive soon), iFi iDSD Pro, and Matrix X-Saber Pro.  I upgraded my PS Audio PWD to the DSD (twice), but it just didn't work out for me.  I lo... 
Hornshoppe "the Truth" preamp - any opinions?
High quality discussion folks, thanks for all the thoughtful comments.  
Preamp connection to multiple powered subwoofers
@millercarbon (& @almarg ) Let's not confuse over-thinking it with correctly-thinking it. Obviously Al is correct here, and without his input the OP could easily end up fighting bass issues without any idea why. This site needs more people lik... 
Preamp Output Capacitor: Mundorf Supreme vs. Supreme Silver Oil
@t_ramey I think you made the right decision.  As I stated earlier, I wasn't really impressed with the Miflex's, unless you're system is focused entirely on tone at the expense of imaging. 
Streamers with best apps?
@classdstreamer I really only stream Tidal, so I use it with a single source.  It works better than the Tidal app in every way except for the "related artists" that Tidal lists when you look up someone.  Bubble doesn't port that information in.  W...