

Responses from cal3713

Network Speaker Cables & Ferrite Cores
@turnbrown thanks for the tip, I'll try it out. Was just shopping for more is of these earlier today. Do you know a cheap source for big ones that will fit around a large diameter power cord (16mm diameter)? 
What isolation feet under your amp with great result?
You might drop an additional $30 on the springs from that Amazon link Mitch posted, since you’ll be in demoing mode anyway. Based on my experience, I think they’ll outperform the oreas, and if not, it’s a cheap experiment. 
What isolation feet under your amp with great result?
@nonoise I should say that it's unclear what change adding under my equipment did. I installed everything at once, noticed the change in speaker balance created by loss of bass response, moved the springs up under my head units, and then enjoyed t... 
Atma-Sphere in CO?
@phantom_av Unfortunately it's been too long for me to give any reliable information. I've transitioned to simple source follower amplification (first watt f4 mono-blocks, only adding current to the signal) and focus on getting the warmth from my ... 
What isolation feet under your amp with great result?
Also @mitch2 those footers are the same ones I'm reporting on... They work great. 
What isolation feet under your amp with great result?
I just got my Chinese spring footers in yesterday ($40 for a set of 8: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32953238126.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.69914c4dryN2ld). They are a substantial upgrade over the iso acoustics pucks I'd had under my Coincident ... 
Same watts at 8 and 4 ohms?
I had no idea you could get into ayre at this price point, what a great recommendation. 
MHDT Orchid or Audio Mirror/ pick one for me please
I just wanted to mention that it's clear that you can't go wrong with either of these dacs, owners seem to universally love both and I suspect they're more similar than different. If you're feeling stuck, you either need to demo both and let your ... 
The Revolving Door...Hey, how about some synergy?
Perhaps you could look through the manufacturer rooms from a few past audio shows and see what equipment people are pairing together when their ass is on the line? Presumably they've already done a ton of testing to see what works best...Alternati... 
MHDT Orchid or Audio Mirror/ pick one for me please
I should probably mention that I was referring to a DS Sr as well...And I'll second everything @snopro said above, but also add that it has a lovely holographic soundstage as well. Above all, it just sounds right. 
MHDT Orchid or Audio Mirror/ pick one for me please
@abd1 I had a Directstream dac with the bridge 2 for two months. I strongly prefer the Audio mirror.  That said, the DSD dac does something in it's signal processing that simply doesn't work for my ears. I had a Perfectwave for many years and twic... 
Another new DAC: Audio Mirror
What pre are you using? 
Another new DAC: Audio Mirror
Ahhh, sorry for missing that @tvad . Wish I could help out. I do know the pass labs diy crowd loves their Cinemag transformers and prefer them to Jensens... it's what Nelson runs in the front of the sit3. A good company too. They make those little... 
Another new DAC: Audio Mirror
Tvad! Hadn't seen you around and just saw all you content has been deleted. What a shame, you have good ears and more people should copy your preferences.Unfortunately I don't have the ability to provide the comparison information you're after, bu... 
MHDT Orchid or Audio Mirror/ pick one for me please
And at least with the two week trial period, you can try running your exemplar direct and through the AM to test it out for yourself.Do try a second source (e.g., a computer through USB) as well though, as the exemplar should hold it's general hou...