

Responses from cal3713

Whats on your turntable tonight?
@tomic601 Mazzy Star? 
DAC Choices - $5,000 to $7,000
@dsper I also wouldn't paint every ESS dac with that same brush the Matrix X-Sabre Pro I tried has a top of the line ESS chip and wasn't bright or fatiguing at all.  Very smooth actually. 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
@slaw Lucero is also great live!  Saw them last fall before the pandemic in a nice little venue for a couple hundred people.  A couple I'm friends with have probably seen them 50 times. 
Audiogon Is Still Relevent...Don't Listen to the Naysayers.
@cleeds And sadly, true for many of us, even those who aren't retired.  If you don't believe in rolling the dice with your life during the worst public health crisis of our lifetimes, the options can get pretty limited. 
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@jond I am very hopeful that this will have a significant impact on engagement and sense of community here.  
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Yes!! Thank you Tammy! @admin @jond 
Who has switched from a PS Audio BHK Preamp to something else?
Yep.  http://www.supratek.com.au/order-price-info.html 
DAC Choices - $5,000 to $7,000
Obviously that doesn't say anything about the Toppings, but that is my experience in relying solely on measurements to make a purchasing decision. 
DAC Choices - $5,000 to $7,000
@dsper I keep thinking about buying that dac for a computer system and would certainly put it in the main rig for testing if I had.  That said, I did try another ASR darling, the Matrix X-Sabre Pro and found it kind of grey, boring, and uninvolvin... 
Upgrading from Thiel 2.7 to Sonus Faber or Focal???
Overheated the aluminum and bent (or even ripped) it. But I was also having periodic dance parties...  
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Great!  Thanks Tammy & agon... 
Upgrading from Thiel 2.7 to Sonus Faber or Focal???
I really liked my 2.4s. Only sold them because Jim had died and I kept overplaying them and needing new drivers. Sadly always an issue with Thiels (hence all the positive comments about their customer service).  Really glad their CS dept survived ... 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Hope I don't ruin the thread but if I suggested an album and you hadn't already heard of jd beck, you might just think this was a fusion jazz band with a drum machine:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NCnrYD9HaRg (song 2 is where he shows what he'... 
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I'll test it again. 
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And @'d you there...