
Responses from c_avila1

Should I replace capacitors in an old but working amp?
The value of any electrical component can sway over time. Focus on resistor upgrades as well. If chokes and transformers have values written on them then have them checked too.The tonality may change in varying levels for every item that you swap.... 
Furutech FP-3TS762 or FP-TCS31
Thank you for replying. I apologize for reviving your 1 year and 3 month old thread. I plan to upgrade some cables in my system and I have drawn interest in the TCS31 which is why ask about the plugs that you used.  
THD In Light Bulbs
Those tests show how much interference is emitted through the air. It's very interesting nonetheless. Here are a couple more videos demonstrating similar tests:https://youtu.be/MvDuKvCUwdg https://youtu.be/dFjZkRPvrXw 
THD In Light Bulbs
Thank you jea48. That's good news.The consensus shows that incandescent lights may generate less noise compared to LED or no noise at all.  
Furutech FP-3TS762 or FP-TCS31
@sylvanor What plugs do you use with the TCS31? I think that it's  important to also state the plugs used when mentioning a power cord.  
V-Cap ODAM: What the Future Sounds Like
Perfect! I'm in Los Angeles and I don't  mind a short weekend drive to help you out. Open the unit to make note of the capacitor values and take pictures. Try loosening the outermost receptacle to make sure that it's not permanently fixed in place... 
V-Cap ODAM: What the Future Sounds Like
I’ll have to take pictures of the ODAM in my conditioner the next time that I open it which may happen soon if I purchase a syringe of PPT Total Contact. The leads for the ODAM were not trimmed. I folded the leads back onto itself and lightly twis... 
Perfect Path Solutions Total Contact Mega Review
PPT should find inspiration in Teo Audio's liquid cables or Cerious Technologies' graphene powder to incorporate Total Contact into interconnects and power cords. Another idea is to create miniature E Cards or E Mats that fit inside power plug enc... 
Preamp Output Capacitor: Mundorf Supreme vs. Supreme Silver Oil
@grannyring I completely agree with your assessment of the ODAM. @kalali and @1markr  As good as the Jupiter and Audyn True Copper caps may be, the ODAM may possibly provide better synergy for your system. Don't be discouraged from replacing high ... 
Modem performance and modem selection.
Click here to view an LPS listing.There is a small display that will show the voltage value. You can use electrical tape to cover it if you prefer not to see it.  
Modem performance and modem selection.
@jworth The Audioquest Niagra 1200 is a power conditioner and not a linear power supply. There's a big difference between the two. The Niagra cannot replace the wall warts.  
Preamp Output Capacitor: Mundorf Supreme vs. Supreme Silver Oil
@kalali The Audyn True Copper Max are excellent caps. I recommend that you install the ODAM in a different component that can benefit from high quality caps. I bet that the True Copper and ODAM will provide excellent synergy. I use copper foil and... 
THD In Light Bulbs
Thank you @audiozenology. That summary was all I needed. My television and computer monitor are full of LEDs...oh well. 
THD In Light Bulbs
My biggest concern is that LEDs may inject more noise into the AC line than incandescent light bulbs. If that's the case then I'll continue to use incandescent bulbs. Also, I've recently installed Akiko Audio and Perfect Path Technology products i... 
Modem performance and modem selection.
I'm using an Uptone Audio JS-2 with both rails set at 12v to power the modem and router. I'm contemplating upgrading to a Mojo Audio Illuminati v3.