
Responses from c123666

Turntable Advice
There is an Audio Note TT1 (table) with Audio Note ARM2 (rb300 rewired by Rega with Audio Note silver wire and interconnect) for 895/offer and it has been there for some time. The ad does not specifically state the arm is the Audio Note version bu... 
Best big screen for under $4000.00
We have a similar dimemna in that our current TV is a Sony 51" floor standing HD capable RPTV; great picture but we do not use the amps/speakers in the thing so all we require is a moniter. We don't like the idea that a plasma is very fragile and ... 
How many amps should I buy for my speakers?
A used Parasound HCA 1206 gives you 135 watts/channel into six channels at 8 ohms (200 at 4), and you can bridge four of the channels into two channels for 350/ch. This is a good value at used prices of 700 to 900. I used one for years and finally... 
The Smallest amp/speaker combination?
Nakamichi used to make a nice little office/bedroom system which had a CD/Cassette player combo with a small footprint receiver and a pair of small bookshelf speakers. I saw a couple for sale recently but a bit too pricey at 150 to 200. At 150 or ... 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Larry Coryell..."Dragongate" 
Audio Note Dac 1.1x
I would jump on the Audio Note DAC immediately. You will love it I suggest. I have been using an original DAC 1 Signature with my Vecteur L 4.2 and it sounds great. So do the Dead bootlegs played back via DAT at 48khz; the DAC sounds so fine.I thi... 
Audio Note Japan vs Audio Note UK--Comments?
I would add that while a used Shinri (Audio Note Japan/Kondo SET stereo 300b amplifier) is on the top of my list if one can be found at a realistic price the UK stuff is simply great for the price points especially at the lower levels (0, 1, 2, an... 
What to do with an Audio Note P2 SE?
The M2 is a wonderful piece of equipment but also a substantial increase in price over the M1 preamp. Acquisition of a Soro would allow true biamping (with a suitable tube electronic crossover) should one ever desire to do this. The Soro is a full... 
Speakers to hang on to for LIFE
I'll keep these Audio Note ANK/L speakers for as long as I can keep them floating, no? They work with the little 8watt amp (god bless her weak little soul). So we shall persevere....Onward Christian Soldiers....Or is it Muslimi Soldiers....Never d... 
Cartridge Recommendation for Audio Note Turntable
put a dynavector dv50 high output coil on it...never looked back...great. 
Vecteur I-6.2 Integrated ?
If the performance of my Vecteur 4.2 CD Player (used as a transport via an Audio Note DAC 1 Signature) is representative of the other products then they are fine. I mean, they work damned well! I actually listen to CDs again and retired the Marant... 
Personal amp evolution
got my audio note conqueror stereo 300b single ended amplifier...finally...worth it 
Good Subwoofer Amp
We bridged a couple of channels of a Parasound 1206 amplifier; that gives 350 watts. It worked wonderfully with8 the McIntosh passive dual 12" subwoofer unit. Other four channel went to biwire the Tukans on the front.Carl 
Audio Note CD 2.1 - any takes?
Stick with what you have and only make the system better.I am using the following AN gear:AN TT1 (ARM2/Dynavector DV20)AN M1 Phono preamplifierAN Conqueror 300B SET Triode amp (yippee!!)AN K/L speakersIn conjunction with:REL Strata II SubwooferYam... 
Transports for Audio Note DACs?
Using a Vecteur L 4.2 with DAC 1 Signature