
Responses from c123666

SS 80 to 125 wpc -- NAD, Adcom, B&K, AVA, McC ?
try an older Spectral DMA50 or DMA80; wonderful units. For cheap a Threshold SA50 at 800 or so is hard to beat. Sounds great, will power almost any speaker out there with low impedance, and an original Pass design from Threshold's Golden Era. 
Amp/ receiver advice for Spendor SP2/3's
15 to 20 quality tube watts will power your speakers fine. I used an Audio Note SOR (17 single ended watts) and it worked very well. A quality 300b push/pull such as the Sun monoblocks or a custom design would serve you well. If you want a custom ... 
questions about tubes - to experts
Try the Sophia mesh or the JJ mesh; same tubes. They are as good as the current production Western Electrics and are excellent values. Original Western Electrics are simply too much money for a NIB pair in sealed boxes if you can find them .The So... 
Krell KSA 50 vs. todays ss amps?
If you are looking at the KSA50 I strongly urge you to also look for the comparable Threshold SA50. An original Nelson Pass design it usually is less expensive than the Krell and just as good; some say better but I suspect they are Threshold owner... 
Push pull 300B amplifiers
One of the more powerful Air Tight tube amps makes around 80 watts and has had good reviews. They sell for under 3000 used. 
Better SS amp than my Bryston?
Krell KSA150, Threshold SA100, Levinson M 27.5 or M 23..these all fit in the budget...personally I'd look for the Threshold but a Levinson M23 is awful good..the Krell is supposedly able to handle any load with ease.... 
Push pull 300B amplifiers
A well executed push/pull 300 will sound very close to a good 300b SET amp but with real slam. If you listen to stuff like Beethooven's Ninth at moderately loud to loud levels this sort of amplifier is perfect with moderate efficiency to high eff ... 
Audio Note Soro SE Uh Cool
The Audio Note speakers sound particularly good with the Audio Note amplifiers; there is synergy with their products. The local audio note guy has a reference Audio Note/Levinson system feeding a pair of top of the line type E Audio Note speakers.... 
EL-34 vs 300B based integrated amps
I use a REL Strata II in conjunction with SET 300b amps with the speaker level inputs; works simply great. 
Ultimate challenge biggest bang speaker
Try the entry level Audio Note type J or E speakers; very good speakers with a very easy load to drive as they are from 93 to 98db efficient and present a resistance of 6 to 8 ohms. 
DAC that beat Mark levinson 360s ??
try the Audio Note DAC 5...it is marvelous...I've listened to it extensively in my Audio Note dealer's showroom using a Levinson Reference CD transport into an Audio Note (original Kondo) Ongaku and Audio Note Type E top of the line speakers...hea... 
Which CDR is the best for audio?
You might also find information, probably lot of it, in the DATheads digest. Do a search and you'll find. The Dead tapers have discussed these topics (best CDR disks, best digital interface audio board, best CDR recorder, best microphones, best DA... 
Budget MC cartridge for a Rega P3 &Supratek Syrah?
The Dynavector will work and sound very good. The Dynavector DV20X (high or low output models available) is materially better and a very fine cartridge but it costs over 500 (525?). 
Listening to my HD650's, a sobering experience...
no, sell the sennheisers and get a tubed Stax electrostatic headphone system and then sell your stereo speakers and amp!Or you can always try the Sennheiser Orpheus tube headphone amp and static phones; hey, it's only money! 
Super Scoutmaster or Teres?
I would not worry about whether Teres will be around in a few years or not. Basically, if that is a concern buy a spare bearing. Any quality motor can be substituted for the Teres motor in the event of a failure and inability to obtain a replaceme...