
Responses from bwhite

Preamp Deal of the Century
Hi Larry, Congratulations on the Moray James PC. They require a days or two to stabilize after being shipped. But sound very good right out of the bag. Hopefully Moray can get that cable built and out to you quickly. Let us know what you think. 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Any standard power cord with a 15A IEC will work Supratek. Radio Shack sells 'em or you could just power down your computer, unplug it, and use that power cord. In the long run, you'll want something better. 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Congratulations Saint! Glad to hear your wait is finally over. The wait is painful but makes the experience somewhat sweeter I suppose. I am currently waiting for my turntable to be completed and I'm pretty excited about it. Judy Spotheim-Koreneef... 
Mcintosh MC2000 owners please help
Velo62, I've listened to the KT90's in other amps and didn't like them. The real truth is, if you (or anyone else) listens to any KT88 tube amp and doesn't use M.O.Valve - GEC/Genalex tubes you may as well (for the most part) stick with solid stat... 
Mcintosh MC2000 owners please help
Velo62, the Amperex tubes I use are made in Holland circa 1957. Running 100% Genalex Gold Lion is nice but I felt it was too much. The sound reached a point where it became too soft and luscious - romantically enticing but perhaps inaccurate. Subs... 
Mcintosh MC2000 owners please help
Velo62 - While I am not a big fan of McIntosh Amps in general, (I think their solid state gear is "just-okay") The MC2000 is certainly an exception to that. It is a very good amp & I have been very happy with mine. The MC2000 responds well to ... 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Ecclectique - well... In the Supratek, the Siemens Gold Pin CCa's were a nightmare. The ones I had (two pair) were purchased from two separate dealers at different times. I had read how "great" they were so.... I paid the bucks and purchased some.... 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Hi Larry, I've had a few pair of the very early (and expensive) Siemens CCa's and they were nearly unlistenable in this preamp for whatever reason. I had read numerous posts on how great the Siemens were and boy was I disappointed. The Telefunken ... 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Hi Cello - you're welcome. Regarding your Cortese - I wonder what vintage your Cortese is. You may have to contact Mick for info on those tubes. My Cortese uses the 6688 tube up front followed by the 6922.Honestly? I haven't experienced too much i... 
Preamp Deal of the Century
The results are in. The NEW Moray James power cord is as good as the old one! Moray sent me four prototype power cords to test out on the Supratek (A,B,C and D). - from the four, I finally sellected one which was the best cord yet for the Supratek... 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Khrys, Would you be willing to pay twice the price (or more) for a Supratek preamp for the luxury of being able to hear it first?A few weeks ago, Audiogon introduced the "Factory Direct" category and I think that is how Supratek first became invol... 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Hi Fiddler - After I made the post I also went to the DACT website and looked for the remote & couldn't find it. I remember seeing this (months ago) for sale on a DACT distributors website as well as on --- I couldn't find it on D... 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Lately (over on Audioasylum) there has been some talk of replacing the stock Supratek potentiometers (Alps) with a stepped attenuator. See URL: have in the past considered this as a pot... 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Cello - if you're Cortese is like mine, it uses E180F (6688)and 6922 tubes for the phono section. The stock Cortese tubes are actually pretty good compared to the expensive NOS variety. The differences in sound resulting from changes in phono tub... 
Help: my phono preamp is blowing away my linestage
Hi Patrickamory - I have, but do not currently own the IO Sig. The IO Sig I owned did not have the volume control. My suggestion was to turn down the gain on your IO by using the internal jumpers, connect it direct to your amplifier, put on a reco...