
Responses from bwhite

Any non-box or non-black grey amplifiers?
Uh.. you could look at something from Viva. I believe they come in almost any color.Here is a review and a few nice photos from Enjoy The Music: 
Sim Eclipse cd or player which one
Hi Grange - Wow! The 777 was laid back. I agree with you about the "Sony" thing... In MY system, the Sony sticks out like a sore thumb. Makes my system look cheap. For a while I had a tough time with that. Going from a AudioMeca Mephisto II to a S... 
Sim Eclipse cd or player which one
Grange - Okay.. that helps. The speaker cables are very tough to get right for the WB's. I am trying to imagine the sound you are getting from your system.... let me think.The BOW isn't a very involving CD player and quite likely very similar to t... 
Sim Eclipse cd or player which one
Grange - the system as you've mentioned - is difficult for me to understand. Are you saying you have Transparent Reference XL power Cables? NBS Signature Speaker cables? NBS doesn't make bi-wire cable (they do have jumpers which connect to the sin... 
Sim Eclipse cd or player which one
Hi Grange - If I understand what you mean by "bite and clout", then I seriously doubt any CD player will have as much of it as the EMC-1. The EMC-1 is very good in terms of its dynamics and lively presentation. Rock music sounds better on the EMC-... 
Sim Eclipse cd or player which one
Hi Waltersalas - I did favor the Mephisto over the others however I am not sure everyone would come to the same conclusion. The EMC-1, Audio Aero and Mephisto are all very good but none of these could be considered a silver bullet. Results depend ... 
Unbelievable Indeed
Hi Bob, I'm surprised too - however, I thought if someone didn't believe me they could very easily get a cheap metal outlet cover and try it for themselves - in their system. The $2.00 investment is certainly less than the cost of trying cords, co... 
Unbelievable Indeed
Driver!! That's the same thing my friend said! He came over right after I discovered this and had to listen. He couldn't believe it either. Believe me, I thought about making an audiophile version! Heck.. if you were to use carbon fiber or some ex... 
Unbelievable Indeed
Hey Garfish... I thought of that but I figured if it was a grounding issue it would be more for safety. The touble with metal covers is that current can arc between the plug and the cover when removing and inserting the plug. 
Unbelievable Indeed
Sugarbrie, I've heard of that too.... Strange isn't it? Somehow it seems more explainable though. The RCA or even Banana plugs carry the signal. But... this is the cover of the outlet!! Its supposed to hide the hole in the wall. The difference bet... 
What Would You Do?
Eldragon - perhaps I have been naive. I have always believed that the majority of posters on audiogon actually did own/audition the components they speak of. I mean, what do they have to gain through these recommendations?Maybe you're right... Ste... 
Sakura Systems OTA Cable Kit
Theaudiotweak, What wire did you use? 
want to upgrade music performance in HT syst.
Jrwr7 - my suggestion was not for multi-channel, SACD or other "new" format. The EAD T-7000 is an "old" transport based on a laser disk mechanisim. 
want to upgrade music performance in HT syst.
Jrwr7, My close friend has owned a system which was almost exactly like yours - except his front speakers are the Dynaudio Consequence which were the flagship Dynaudio speaker prior to the Evidence. The HTS-1 is a good pre/pro but we have had some... 
Coolest looking cd player in history
Here is another cool looking player (transport) from Metronome.