
Responses from bwhite

Cable vs. Electronics: biggest bang for the buck
Nrchy - it seems you just don't get it. I was referring to the statement made by Audioengr where he wrote, "...are tempted to use inferior cables designs as "tone controls" to the get "sound" they are looking for."What is superior and what is infe... 
Preamp Deal of the Century
A quick note on the Bybee filters in the power supply.This evening I auditioned my Supratek power supply against a friends side by side, on his Syrah. We both found mine to be compressed sounding and rather lifeless. This is most likely a result o... 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Rmml - that's great! How does it sound?? I like the effects of the Dynamat and BDR stuff on my preamp however - I have noticed that too much BDR can be too much. The MkIV cones are certainly better for the Supratek than the MkIII. However, I am cu... 
Cable vs. Electronics: biggest bang for the buck
Ah... but if inferior cables (less expensive) can benefit the sound of an inferior component vs. a continued degradation in the sound with a superior cable, wouldn't that make the inferior cable the truly superior cable in that instance? :)I would... 
Cable vs. Electronics: biggest bang for the buck
Nrchy - it seems to me that you're really beginning to get a good understanding of how this works. :)Its the "end result" or the final sonic signature of the component that really matters - how it gets there should be mostly irrelevant to the list... 
Any ideas on Amp selector boxes?
I have thought about this too. Could it be possible to simply use two sets of speaker cables (one to each amp), and ensure that only one amp is on at a time? Would this work? Also - what if both amps happened to be on at the same time? Any ideas? 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Snook2 - Mick is a one man show. He does not have a US distributor or dealer. He does however have technicians in certain areas of the US who are familiar with the units and can perform repairs when need be. Mick likes to fix the preamps himself w... 
H-CAT Model 12-P Preamp, Fact or Fiction??
Tbg - can you give us a Supratek / CAT comparison? 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Talk to us Warren.... :) What's going on? 
Cable vs. Electronics: biggest bang for the buck
Biggest bang for the buck? Argh! Tough question but - I would have to say the right cables can make a sad system sing and a great system sound utterly magnificent. The margin of improvement by a single component in any system is far less - regardl... 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Mick! Great the see you on the board. Thanks for the update and explaination. I will again attest to Mick's firm commitment to his customers. He does a great job! 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Hi Jewel, got your message yesterday. Sorry I was out of town visiting my sister. Glad to learn you've resolved the problem(s) and your preamp is working. As for the gain, I agree the HIGH gain setting is very sensitive and actually quite difficul... 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Jewel - First, is your Chardonnay stock or did you order yours with XLR outputs? If it has XLR outputs, check the switch on the back between the RCA output and the XLR output, Make sure it points to the output you are using and not in the middle. ... 
Wilson Benesch ARC Monitors - Any comments?
You know what Danheather I think you may be correct. I didn't intend to imply his comments were derogatory. Sorry you took it that way.Just so you know - clinical does not mean highly neutral per se' it means that the sound is clean and particular... 
Wilson Benesch ARC Monitors - Any comments?
WB Speakers are hard to come by in the US and therefore seldom seen on the used market - this goes especially for the new models.Regarding the comment that WB is a clinical speaker, I must disagree. All WB speakers are super neutral and hence do n...