
Responses from bufus

Adcom GFP 750 Power Switches
You must have both power switches on for the preamp to function. Therefore, when the front power switch is off, the preamp will be off. I think they recommend turning the rear power switch off only if you will not be using the preamp for a long pe... 
Questions re Adcom GFP-750 in a combo system
That's correct. In "processor" mode, none of the controls on the preamp are active. I initially found this out the hard way!!! (wow, was that loud!!!) 
ADCOM 750 preamp or processor for home theater?
I am using an Adcom GFP-750 preamp with an Adcom GDD-1 (which only does Dolby Digital 5.1) for home theater. All I can say is that I think the 750 really does a great job. I use it in passive mode because the music has a more open soundstage this ... 
Flemke, I'm losing my mind. 
Who Shot the Deputy?
oh yeah, that's right, i was trying to think of that but my brain wouldn't work this morning 
i thought it was bee-bop-a-loo-la 
Who Shot the Deputy?
Ohnono shot the deputy. Or, Bob shot them both and is stretching the truth just to make good song lyrics. Eric Clapton shot none of the above. Who shot Bob? What's wrong Mwilson? 
Anyone else like to Listen in the Dark?
I also enjoy turning the lights off while listening. The whole concept is that your brain has less information to process with the eyes and can therefore focus in more on the information coming to the ears. Of course, to a much larger degree, we k... 
Happy Birthday Elvis!! I'm like Ben, I love Elvis but own none of his CDs. I do have a DVD called "That's The Way It Is (Special Edition)." This has some beautiful video quality and lots of up-close personal time with Elvis in the studio. 
Amp Hum
Sean has a good idea. My Adcom hums and I talked to a dealer about it. He told me to open it up and make sure the transformer was tightend down good. I have never bothered doing it beacuse I can't hear it from my listening position. Yes, be carefu... 
CD technical operation
The foundation of digital audio is to represent an analog signal with a set number of amplitude measurements taken each second. The set number for redbook CD is 44,100 measurements per second. Each measurment results in a number that has a range f... 
Speaker break in?
I have a hard time believing that the measurable differences between a brand new and broken-in speaker have been found to be smaller than the typical variation between any two of the same model. However, I'm not doubting that you know what you're ... 
Studio Acoustic Tiles/Panels for listening room?
Alexc hits a good point. If you don't have absorptive material at your first reflection points, you are smearing your image pretty bad. This is not a big problem if you have your speakers on a long wall. I had mine set up on a 20 foot wall and my ... 
Speaker break in?
Warrenh, I was just kidding about the cable break-in. I don't really think anyone could explain it to my satisfaction anyway. 
Speaker break in?
My Thiels were quite harsh when I got them. I let them play at medium volume while I was at work. The recommended break in was 100 hours. They definitely mellowed out over this amount of time. Think about this: The speaker manufacturer are using b...