
Responses from budburma

What process do you use to purchase cables?
Mostly listen.Read reviews and posts and peruse systems to see if there's any concensus for synergy with component brands. Easier to find that between brands like Plinius and Dynaudio or Leben and Devore.Try to ascertain hook up wire used in compo... 
Speaker cable advice
Oh yeah, the Duelund are tone and timbre kings! 
Speaker cable advice
Duelund tinned copper from Partsconnexion, Bare wire terminations. 12 or 16g depending on how long. I have a double run of 16g (approx 13ga) and have bought and sold a number of heavy hitters costing up a grand while hanging on to these. 
New cables - To judge now or after burn in period?
Break-in is definitely a must if you're buying new. Do the experiment yourself and listen to whatever reference you use at different times. Some of the changes on some cables can dramatic and pretty unsavory like "what the f*** did I spend my mone... 
Power Cord & Power Conditioner Recommendations
Ha! You're right - lots of choices and info. And it's true that you need to trust your own ears. I imagine there are threads around discussing good matching with your Golden Ears and Naim..... That said, I see cables as components and have listene... 
Power cord choice?
Dynamic Design. Lotus AE15. Trasparent, 3-D (layered and wide) big, quiet, easy detail, neutral, etc. etc.  There's one for sale on USAudioMart that would fit your budget. The different will be notable. I'm using the bigger brother Titania and hav... 
Cable design isn't so simple to rest on a single dimensional measurement. Too many elements to bother listing, but there's definitely a sum total more than individual parts quality to design. There's some known synergies around, but listening is t... 
Power cord choice?
EPS Essence and Triode Wire Labs have been the best go to bang for buck all arounders for me. Dynamic Design AE15 Lotus (analog) or Spirit (digital) can be found for your price and will bring the music home. There was a Heritage on USAudioMart for... 
Power cord choice?
Putting in a dedicated power line. 2 receptacles ok?
Well, you do the best you can! Good clean power has made a big differerence in how deeply quiet the background is for my audio experience. I use 3 separate dedicated lines for digital and analog power and source. The power in our little village al... 
Synergistic Research Galileo SX Power cord. (Opinions on sound quality appreciated).
I've not heard the Gallileo line, but the top of the Atmosphere X and CTS lines were in my system for a time and not so satisfying. Rumor has that the Gallileo is spectacular though maybe SR just isn't my sonic wheelhouse. The CTS was too forward ... 
Best Sounding Speaker Cables?
Doh! Duelund for speaker wire. 
Best Sounding Speaker Cables?
Miles of audio wire has passed through my system(s).  And house for that matter! A lot of it pretty pricey. The only IC/SC combo I have some sellers remorse around is the older silver/cotton version of Sablon Panatela. Duelund tinned copper DCA16g... 
What Was Your Favorite “Game Changer” Moment?
Power conditioner? Sound Application...hands down winner for me. I think my first one was an cf-x maybe, then xe12, then JC something. They just blew my little mind..  
What Was Your Favorite “Game Changer” Moment?
First? Cable? A Stealth Audio Cloude Nine full on an AES DJH AE1. Really made it plainly obvious. Never really found another piece of gear that liked that cord nearly as much. Sort of actually scared me that it's a needle in the haystack propositi...