
Responses from buconero117

We all lost a friend.....Mike Kay
Mike had a great business model. He threw me out on many, many occasions, and he was right, I would never buy anything. Yet, I continued to go there, wanting to be 'punished'. There are many of his disciples working in many brick and mortar places... 
What next?
Investment? There is no such thing in buying any audio gear. Best you buy some Spanish government bonds and just enjoy the music. 
Dynaudio Pricing
take the MSRP when new, deduct 20% and then deduct another 40% from that figure. You now have 'fair market value, assuming the units are less then ten years old. Ignore Blue Book. 
Nothing but speakers in the listening room?
Way to go, that is to keep all the equipment out of the listening space. The amount of acoustic energy the flies around a listening room has a very negative effect on components, especially turntables and cd players. Go 'clean', you will be rewarded. 
Turntable Recommendation for Beginner
Denon 47F, with a 103 cartridge. Must be brought as a pickup purchase. Any type of shipping will destroy it, no matter what 'packing experts' will tell you. 
Magnepan 3.6 or 3.7 - The smart choice?
You realize of course, that unless you buy the 3.7's you will forever be guilt ridden, have sleepless nites and many bouts of high anxiety. Just go for the 3.7's and put yourself out of your misery. As all audio people know, compromise need works. 
Turntables with warm/smooth mids and highs
I think you are looking for a cartridge, not a turntable. 
wall mounts?
Monoprice is the way to go. I use one of their articulating units and it works well. Great for tight spaces and cable management. So, only buy an articulating unit. It can be used anywhere. Oh, almost forgot, make sure you have three pairs of hand... 
Better Record Cleaning Method
Steam, man, it is all about steam, no matter what other steps or products you use. Even the new ultra sound machines benefit from your discs being steam treated. 
File format, software and settings?
Waste of time. Stick with the cd's themselves for play back, or get one on Sony's 300 disc players. As for 'future proof', it will never happen. It is just a marketing tool. Who knows what the future will bring. 
floor standing speakers for surrounds?
Waste of money. You will never get it 'right'. Check out Floyd Toole's book, 'Sound Reproduction'. He will convince you of the folly of your quest. 
Vintage Power Amp vs new age power amp
Unless you are prepared to recap, bias and have the DC offset checked and adjusted, best to go with new. Aged, that is over ten years old, will not meet their original specs. Enjoy the music and stop fuzzing with the 'gear'. 
Ceiling diffusion
Armstrong, yes the ceiling tile people, makes a 'wave' product that is adaptable to home use. Check it out at their web site. 
Advice on bulk record pricing?
Take actusreus suggestion. In the metro NYC area there are a few dealers that will show up and give a bulk price. Often that is no more then $1 a record. These dealers randomly pick about five records, look at jacket and surface condition and give... 
500 Greatest Albums of all Times
here is a link to the wsj article.http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052702303567704577514400041298544.html?KEYWORDS=jim+fusilli