
Responses from buconero117

Best you 'give it up'. even it you can find a great tech and the parts are available. Technology has moved on, oppo is king, treat the Dragon as a piece of 'eye candy', and enjoy the new, better sound. 
Lyra Kleos and VPI Aries 3 - will this work
Maxh, Harry will always love you. I think Harry makes some great products, I own a few, and that his business model has made him a wealthy man. However, I don't think he makes the best sound for the buck. A good illustration of this is the 'periph... 
What dealer/distributor has influenced you most?
In the end, it is all about the dealer/distributor creating 'value' for the customer. Only when that is done does the dealer have the right business model, that is sustainable. Value depends on the customer, some want service, some a low price, ot... 
OK, Best Folk Albums in the last 10 years...
Why ten years? Try fifty and be sure to get The Weavers. 
Lyra Kleos and VPI Aries 3 - will this work
There are many other tables that better mate with a Lyra. Dump the VPI. Forget about the Aries as after the Aries I, it was all downhill, especially as relates to the platter. 
Which Martin Logan Center Should I Get?
Don't just think 'center channel' speakers. Use the same speaker that matches the right/left you are using. I know that does not work in many cases but should be a consideration. 
What dealer/distributor has influenced you most?
Steve at Cayin USA 
Stereo equalizer connection to integrated amplifie
Lowrider57, you mentioned hearing loss. Best you find a good audiologist and find out exactly the problem you are having. That will give you a better idea of whether EQ will help. I've been hearing impaired all my life, wearing hearing aids, that ... 
Stereo equalizer connection to integrated amplifie
Do not make apologies for an EQ. If you get better sound from such, give it a rest. Often in audio we follow rules that are really meant to be broken. If it sounds good, its okay. Our ears and rooms are different, so go with what sounds best, not ... 
Does it bother you?
No, what you don't know will not bother you, unless you an audio engineer. Ignorance is bliss. In the end, if the recording sounds bad, the listener is not really interested in why. Bad is bad. 
Awesome Customer Support
Best take away on this story is never, ever use USPS parcel delivery, even if insured. For if you do so, you will never, ever get a refund, not to mention the days and hours they will put you through. Stay with UPS, not Fedex. Fedex diverts many o... 
salesperson recomends what do you think
Sounds like you have a good salesperson, but only if they let you take each home and actual hear them in your system. Otherwise, its all bs. 
Can't get answer from Soundsmith on retipping ques
Need to think 'Ron', ship it and forget it Don't get me wrong Soundsmith does great work, but be prepared to wait 10 weeks for the evaluation, then 15 weeks for the actual retip. Before you go to that effort, try to mount a new Shure 97. You will ... 
Switch with volume control
Your lucky day. The switch you need to buy is the Chase RC1, generally available on e-bay, used. With remote they go for about $100, what they cost new. I have three of these, all over ten years old and they work perfectly. In addition to volume, ... 
Speaker Selection Help
You are in a typical hopeless situation, that being the wife is in control of you listen life. Then there is the size of your room, another hopeless condition on the budget you have, especially considering the additional funds that would be needed...