
Responses from brulee

"Burn in" Are you serious?
Jostler3, I think many of these posters do not need to read about psychacoustics, they know what they are hearing. I like to think that my mind is open and what I hear is what I hear. I sometimes wish this was not true as burn-in would not be so p... 
Recommend Power Cord for Bryston Amp
Hi Miked, sounds like Jwilliams deal is one to check out. Hi Sdcampbell, what are you trying to correct or improve when you buy a certain IC or speaker cable? 
"Burn in" Are you serious?
I think perfectimage just answered the question quite perfectly. 
Amp+Cords or New Amp, best bang for $$$
Metaphysics, all advice above me is good. Your Lab Cable is is very good and it will cost you much more to get the big improvement you are looking for. A cobra in an amp can sometimes work better than a king cobra. Will you like one of those snake... 
Power cord recommendation needed
Hi Nex_wave Web: Email: Tele: (425) 868-5326. Hi Tgraffair, Jcbtubes is a good buddie of mine and I don't think he will mind if I answer that one for him and even if he does, whats he gonna do about it. He loves... 
Anyone heard the marsh and odyssey amps?
Excellent post Garyl, I wish you much success. We may disagree on the tube ss thing but that is audio. In the end I think we are searching for the same thing. The best sound we can put togeather. Good listening to you too. 
Which speakers use the Revelator tweeter
I think the new Coincident Total Eclipse uses this tweeter 
Anyone heard the marsh and odyssey amps?
Garyl, if tubes have colorations then why are you going to use a tube pre-amp. BTW garyl, it is nice to meet you. Hi J_c, I am sorry. I was not being cynical. I thought I was being funny. Thought wrong. It does not matter what I think about these ... 
Anyone heard the marsh and odyssey amps?
Hi Chipster, The Marsh is great. I don't know anything about the other amp you mentioned. The perfomance of this amp is amazing at this price point. I agree with many of the things J_c stated. Hi J_c, The Goldmund, ARC, Cary, Gryphon, and last but... 
Anyone heard the marsh and odyssey amps?
oops SLAUGHTERS I think 
Anyone heard the marsh and odyssey amps?
WOW, What a rave review. I wish my Marsh 400 was that good. I think the Marsh is a fine amp and a great bargin. I use mine as a back up amp and for times when I need the power. I agree with many of the things that J_c stated. I do think another po... 
isolation for a Music Reference RM9 MKII
Hi A2z, Maple Shade has isoblocks that sell for $24. Put these under your butcher block. You might try using there conepoints also. (301) 627-6350. Good stuff. 
Cowboy Junkies fans........
It was good Friday, A southern rain comming down. I'm in this dark hole again feeling hollow as a bone, playing my blue guitar.I saw your shoes sweet Jane. The misguided angel was wearing them as she hunted for her five room love story. Thanks Gar... 
speaker cables for proac 1sc
Hi Davidbrown, the Coincident speaker cable is in this price range and it might be very hard to find better for the money. Good hunting. 
Cartridge for Well Tempered
Grados do work very well and so do the Van Den Hulls.