
Responses from brulee

Best Single Ended Integrated
Hi Rvisinta, The importer is in texas. I do not have a website but his telephone # is 214-327-2073. His name is Terry and he is very helpful. 
Floor Standing "Warm" Speaker
Hi Chuck, I agree with Garfish, Vandersteen fits the warm rich sound you describe. Also the Coincident Super Eclipse, at 92db Sen. with bass down around 28hz. The Proac 2.5 with tube gear is also very nice. If you like the sound of lower powered O... 
What do you guys think of Spectral?
I agree with John 1. I had the DMC 20 with the DMA 180 and the top of the line MIT. The MIT never sounded so good. The Spectral and MIT combo is super detailed and transparent. The cool sound that John 1 talks of is what I was hearing on too many ... 
Vandersteen 3A vs. ProAc3.8
Hi Marklivia, 
Upgrade Time Again.... please help
Neutral, Mechanical, Sweet distortion, and tubey are not the sounds of music. I do not know what tube amps Rosebud has listened to but the "unnatural" sound he mentions is what I hear in SS. Why do so many think that tube amps can't reproduce base... 
Vandersteen 3A vs. ProAc3.8
Garfish, if you like the Proac 3.8 and the size is not an issue, then listen to the new Total Eclipse from Coincident. I have listened to both and the Proac, as good as it is, can't compete with the Total Eclipse. A bold statement for sure but I b... 
Share your thoughts on Marsh Amps
Hi Cmjones, the Marsh 400 amp IMO competes with ss amps in the $5000 range. It is clean, detailed, with good dynamics. In my system it can sometimes be a bit on the lean side. It is not without colorations, but what amp aint. Comparing it to other... 
anyone with a 'system' near me?
Audiojerry, great idea. If more audio people got togeather everyone involved would have access to much more gear. Just think of the knowledge and the association that is going on at Albertporters home. I live in So Cal. Dekay, I still plan on gett... 
SACD player is not that great.
Husaskin, I agree. I am sure Ehider meant no offense or at least I hope so. 
Looking to build power cords.
Hi Dbaird, You might want to take up Kevppero up on his offer. I remember 10 12 years ago listening to Bob Crump's PCs and thought they were very good also. 
Are you Guys Rich or What!?
Tubegroover, Don't get me wrong, I have no problem with your gear or anybody else's. It is your questioning individuals on anything that I protest. Ya, you hit a nerve when you once again questioned me on my post of the FIM PCs. Remember when I ra... 
Are you Guys Rich or What!?
People who criticize others because they are upgrading, or spend there $$$ on some of the more esoteric equipment because they can, raise my eyebrows. Tubegroover say's "I guess I do question individuals that are always changing out expensive gear... 
King Cobra vs. FIM ?????
Cornfedboy, Doesn't FIM also have some kind of unit out or coming out that is similar to the Hydra? 
Biggest Baddest Audio Cables
Carl_eber, You say I am now going to cease posting in this forum. Why? This is not like you. I never thought Carl_eber would lay down and die. Cmon Carl, where is that, me against the world attitude that I admire about you. If you quit posting the... 
Marantz SA-1 (Super Audio CD player) ?
Jtinn, Your alright. How ya been?