
Responses from brulee

Cones/Bearings for CD player
Hi Megasam, I also have the Neuance. I use a Manna rack that has 4 adjustable spikes that the Neuance sits on. I was so impressed with this set up that I am going to order one for every component. I use the existing feet that are on my CD player. ... 
Power Cord Challenge
Hi Jhunter, I can't make it to San Jose but if you are willing to drive south to Ventura county I will pay your gas, put you up for the night and dinner will be on me.Because of my PCs and set up 10 times may not be practical. I am sure we can com... 
How can power cords make a difference?
Look whos telling who what. Stevemj, when you have half the knowledge not to mention the equipment of Albertporter maybe someone will listen to you. Please tell me, are you saying Albertporter is hearing something that isnt there? Were you there? ... 
Sell King Cobra s and buy F I M Gold ?
Hi Chuckie, I did the same thing. I had 3 KC and 2 Cobras. After hearing the FIM I sold the snakes. The FIM PC works everywhere in my system. Cannot say the same about the KC. As good as the KC is it sounds a bit dark and a fine grain or something... 
upgrade for Electrocompaniet EMC-1?
Hi Rmml, glad you asked. I have been wondering the same thing. A friend called the importer of the EMC-1 and he said that the update will not be available until all EMC-1 inventory has been sold. Neither the dealer or importer would say what the u... 
Speaker Cable for Tube SET System?
Thanks Trelja, I consider you a mensch, goomba kinda guy too. How ya feeling Kitch29? 
Speaker Cable for Tube SET System?
Hi Kitch29, glad you like them. Sorry to hear about tenon or was that tendon? Sounds like you are enjoying your prettty recked condition. BTW, whats a mensch?Stay in touch 
Speaker Cable for Tube SET System?
Hi Dekay, I use SET amps in my system. The original Coincident speaker cable worked very well with the Cary 805s and the Viva Sentesi. I have seen a pair of 10 footers go for $250. The bass is tight and extended with good sparkle in the treble. Go... 
Finally gonna buy new speakers, ideas?
Hi Tsquared, It is hard to recommend a speaker. I have the Coincident Total eclipse. I live in Ventura county about 45 minutes from you. If you are interested, you are welcome to bring some of your favorite discs and audition this speaker in a hom... 
Are Audiophiles Obsessive Nuts?
EE times and any other journals can attack the methods and conclusions of audiophiles all they want. I hear what I hear. Thats good enough for me. 
Electrocompaniet vs. Resolution Audio
I have not heard the CD55. I have owned the Cary 303 and it is very good but in my system the EMC-1 had a better tonality with a transparency that the Cary could not quite match. Clarity, detail and a cleaner sound came from the EMC-1 vs the Cary ... 
Best component ever for the ...
Hi Wellfed, I understand your enthusiasim. I feel the same way about my Neuance Beta board. For around $170 I got an improvement in sound that amazed me. I want to spread the word because it is so cheap yet so effective. It seems that there will a... 
Stunned by a cable upgrade
Gunbei, I am thrilled for you. Great to hear from someone who is knocked out by a wire change. It will only get better when you get your PCs. Best to you. 
Need SS preamp that sounds like tube .
Hey Redkiwi, Im going to break my no voting policy. 2+2 4 u. 
Any DIYer s out there ?
An Audiogon member and best friend Jcbtubes built my pre-amp from scratch and does incredible mods on tube amps and pre-amps. He is an EE who should quit his job and go into the audio business. All tube gear that I own has his magic touch. His mod...