
Responses from brulee

How can power cords make a difference?
Hi 702, could you define "proper double-blind test" for me. After hearing the ICs and speaker cable from the Sakura OTA kit I agree with 702 that the fancy special cables arent necessarily better. In fact I have yet to hear anything as good as the... 
How can power cords make a difference?
Hi 702, unlike me you seem to have a good knowledge of electronics and why things should or should not work. I believe that most PC,IC, speaker cable, ETC have a sound, coloration or whatever you want to call it. Maybe thats part of our problem. W... 
Sakura Systems OTA Cable Kit
Hi Kitch29, how you been?What are we waiting for? I'm thicker than most. 
PC Challenge Test Results
Hi Jhunter, job well done and for me I do mean job. If you can keep the PC for another week or two try leaving it in for a week and get used to the sound of your system again. Then replace it with the Stock PC. Thanks to your challenge I am findin... 
brulee fails PC challenge
Thanks for the help and kind words. I am a little embarrassed and I am still not sure what happened. I went back and set up my system so that I can put in the FIM without any sharp bends and can now swap out the PCs in minutes. Spent several hours... 
Sakura Systems OTA Cable Kit
Caterham makes a suggestion, Redkiwi and Decay do all the homework and brulee tags along for the ride. Thanks to all three of you. I love being in this company.I can't add much because these 3 have said it all so well. I was loaned the Kimber top ... 
interconnect help
I like the Coincident also. It competes with ICs 2 to 3 times it's price. Read comments on Sakura OTA thread. The ICs from the OTA kit along with there speaker cable are the best I have heard. The Coincident, Quattro Fil, Kimber 1030 and Venture I... 
Opinion needed-Coincident Super Eclipse
Kevin3xz, Trelja as usual, has given you great advise. IMO the original SE sounded a bit soft in the highs especially compared to the TE. I have not heard the new SE with it's new tweeter and wiring so I can't comment. I do not agree with Khaki8's... 
Tube amp newbie- where can I learn??
Hey Sutts, so you went out and did it. Good for you. Get hold of Jcbtubes. He mods all my tube amps and can give you an idea of what certain Caps, resistors, Etc will sound like. Congratulations! Which speakers did you go for? SE or TE. BTW, Jc is... 
Audio Research REF600 MKI MKII
Jtinn's credibility has been questioned by a one time poster. I should probably stay out of this but I hate to see a man such as Jtinn, who I have bought and sold audio gear being called a troll. Jtinn is honest, knowledgable and a valuable member... 
Good Stuff Cheap
I have seen the Well Tempered TT on this site go for as low as $500. The OTA kit could change your views on wire. What a Bargin! 
New BMI Whale Elite Power Cord
Have not heard the Whale. Pops loaned me the Eel and I preferred the Eel to the Fatboy on CDP and pre amp. I would imagine the Whale to be a better performer than the Eel. Just another point of view. 
Speaker Cable for Tube SET System?
I am proud to be an honorary paisano and to be in such good company.I am with Dekay. The OTA kit of ICs and speaker cable is the best wire I have heard. It works with SS as well as it does with tubes if anybody cares. I will post more when I can g... 
I normally don't ask for help, but.....
I have sent up mine. I have a daughter not quite this age and I can't imagine the heartache. Words are only words but my thoughts and prayers go out to Gary and Cindy. 
Quattro Fil vs. Siltech SQ80b
I have owned the Quattro fil and own the Coincident. In my system the Coincident has a wider, deeper soundstage without bleaching the tonality. The Quattro fil never sounded like music. I have been using the OTA IC from 47 Labs and this skinny, wh...