
Responses from brulee

Best Pre-amp under 2k-USED
A few years back I picked up an Arnov preamp. I had my friend (Jcbtube) do a few mods. About $400 in parts. It became a lion, so I sold my CAT. Not my kitty cats. 
Any tricks to keep cats away from speaker grills?
I love cats.I have four of them. They are not allowed in my listening room unless I am there. 2001impala's idea works great with my beasts. I am at the point I don't even have to spray them. When they see me pick up my squirt gun, they run. Very e... 
Who R U?
Hi Tireguy, What do you considrer older folks? Blink once and you will be forty. Blink twice and you will be fifty. Me likes tubes too. Ah, but i was so much older then, I'm younger than that now. I enjoy your humor Tireguy but tire the guy who fl... 
Would the Audio Aero Capitole better Theta
I may eat my words, but in time you will find pleanty of the Aero Capitole players used. For the fast, detailed group or those with a laid back speaker, the aero may not be your first choice. IMO, it is not the end all of CDPs. System matching wil... 
Greatest Songwriter of all time
Bencampbell, I agree. Onhwy61, what about the music of Blonde on blonde and Highway 61. Is this not some of rocks greatest and original tunes? Yea, a bit taken from here and there, but still some of rocks greatest and original tunes. No?Forever an... 
Most eye-opening upgrade and what you learned
Hi Ken, I bet I know, and I must agree. 
Looking for an amp for my Proac 1.5's.
Hi Phil0618, Try looking for a used Cary V-12 amp. A great match! 
Vienna Acoustics vs Revel Studios?
Hi Chris, If you stick to what Sc53 (especially the first post) is saying, you are going to be a very happy music lover. I do not have the experience with the Beethovens as Sc53, but I would certainly listen to what Sc53 is saying. The Revel may b... 
Fuse or braker for dedicated lines?
Hi Worldcup86, this is a bit off the topic, but I remember one time when I cleaned all the fuses in my amp with Contak cleaner. I was shocked at how much better the sound from my system was. Smoother with much less grit. Open, dynamic,cleaner, wit... 
Component with most effect on soundstage/imaging?
A lot of good advice especially from Tireguy and Drewfidelity. Also, to get the most from you components performance can depend on what they are sitting on. There are many options but my search ended with Neaunce platforms. 
Greatest Songwriter of all time
DylanJoni MitchellJohn PrinFor their lyrics.Lennon/McCatrneyBrian WilsonDylanFor their music. 
Tubes plus SS
If I were to mix and match, I would go along with that youngster tireguy. IMO this is the best way to do it if you must have ss in the system. 
Where do you sit?
i always thought that a barber's chair would be great. Comfortable, height adjustable, and can swivel. Only thing needed would be wheels to move to nearfield or farfield.Bifocals? 
Dylan on Drugs ?
Dylan has been taking a trip on that magic swirling ship for 40 years. He's been to sugar town and shook the sugar down. He's dined with kings and been offered wings and he's never been too impressed. He's forever young and always changing the tim... 
The best cable for my system Interconnect and SPKR
I would like to recommend the OTA Cable Kit from 47 Labs, but unfortunatly, it doesn't cost an arm and a leg.