
Responses from brulee

FIM 880 AC Outlet-- Best tweak I've ever heard
Hi Cornfedboy, I do not know. I have been told for years to stay away from nickel no matter what it is plated with. I can't do comparisons on such things. I will take your word on the ps audio. 
FIM 880 AC Outlet-- Best tweak I've ever heard
Hi Garfsh, I have been using the FIM Outlet for almost a year or when they first came out. I also heard a great improvement in sound. I was not sure if it was the FIM or just replacing old outlets. One reason I chose the FIM is because there is no... 
Sistrum Platforms
After putting in many hours of work in comparing racks, shelves, and all the other things I have used in the past, the Sistrum Platforms are the best investment I think I have ever made. I can't tell you in words like a reviewer. What I have lost ... 
Need Speaker Help and Opinions Fast?
Hi Golfnut, I think the ProAc 2.5 is a decent speaker. IMO, it is a bit outdated. I think you can do much better than the 2.5s in this price range. Havent heard the 8.2, but I think the Coincident SE is in another league than are the 2.5s. All you... 
Buy a hi-end CD player/transport now?
Subaruguru, finaly had Jcbtubes put in the new mod. Have only listened to it for 10 or 12 hours. I have so much going on in my system, I don't no whats doing what. With all the new stuff I am breaking in, Can't tell what the improvements are. I ca... 
Kimber cable - good or bad?
Give Me an email Sean, I may have something of interest to you. If you are willing to break in some cable for me, I may have a great deal on some of my OTA. I have no more video. Can't say I miss it a bit. Haven't watched a movie in over two years... 
How many of us have worked in audio stores?
Hi Sean, My dealer friend breaks in all his wires in in his home theatre room. I used the Duo Tech. It seems to work, but takes forever. I am very interested in the cable cooker you have mentioned in the past. Gonna have to get one of these. I als... 
Who has tried Virtual Dynamics cables?
Gunbei, Glad to hear such positive remarks. Could you be so kind in telling me what you have compared them with. Also, what kind of VD do you have? I mean what model?Yes, I have a feeling you are right about our good friend Dekay. I would imagine ... 
Krell Amps and Pre-amps
Hi Simancd, I don't know if you are planning on buying used or new. If you are going to buy new, there shouldn't be a dealer that won't loan you amps to try out in your home. If you are buying used, you take your chances.My experience is the oppos... 
How many of us have worked in audio stores?
Have worked and am still working in a dear friends highend shop from time to time. Don't get paid in $$$, but love helping out. My payoff comes by way of listening, in my own room, some of the finest gear in audio. Also much of the hotshot, ripoff... 
Which direction would you go?
Pops has a great system. I don't remember what Thiels he owns. I heard in all places, a dealers showroom the Theils 3.something with all Classe equipment except for an Audio Aero CDP that the person brought along to audition the Thiels. I was very... 
A pass Labs X250 amp worth a divorce?
Hi Kevyo, I take it you are not serious about your comments. At least I hope your just kidding.There are so many good sounding SS amp, if that is what you must have, and Pass is just one of many. Way too expensive IMO. I am not a big fan of the Pr... 
Please help with my digital chain
Garfish and Joe b's advise are just a very few reasons why, IMO, Stereophile mag and the likes will soon die. Who needs them. You will find more useful information from the Audiogon members than 95% of the reviewers. Those that need specs, measure... 
Greatest Songwriter of all time
Philefreak, How dare I over look Van the man Morrison. I agree 100%. Love the MAN VAN. 
JVC XRCD CDs, are they worth the extra cash?
I'd rather own the XRCDs than the many SACD disc i have heard. Now if they would add a few more discs to their collection. I will buy all that is of interest to me.